Tech industry has always been gender bias. According to several researches, 20% of engineers are women at Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. The following post emphasizes on how AI makes workplace fair concerning gender diversity.

Artificial Intelligence has begun expanding in allspheres of our day to day lives. Majority of people are concerned about thepossibility of biases hindering the AI realm. It may quite interest you to knowthat women are more skeptical towards change or innovation in comparison tomen. And speaking of the point where many of fear about losing our jobsespecially women due to such disruptive technologies, we better ensure thatthese algorithms are beneficial in breaking the “privileged class” values.

No matter who analyses whether men or a women, data is an important factor. Fortunately, it seems like historical, social views have changed over time. Gone are the days when real women were rendered irrelevant due to the automation of jobs and the decline of family values. In addition to this, AI assistants are overwhelmingly female – think Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana or Google Assistant.

So what’s the problem?

Elon Musk once said, I’m close to artificial intelligence(AI), and it scares the hell out of me. The problem is that systems tend toreflect their creators- Humans. And if the creators come from a biasedbackground, the system will produce results with a bias to that background.Well, nobody wants to be paralyzed by fear. Further below I would like to shedsome light on a few women across different industries making ArtificialIntelligence less scary.

AI and healthcare

Dr. Iya Khalil, the female co-founder of GNS healthcare proudly reveals how turns data into solutions that slow disease progression, reduce adverse events and optimize therapeutic effectiveness by making the most of the latest innovations in machine learning. Being a tech entrepreneur, she successfully harnesses data that can be transformed into the healthcare industry.

AI and machine learning are such technology that cannot just reduce drug discovery times but also enable precision medicine with the goal of improving outcomes and reducing the costs of R&D.

2. AI and Fashion

Another interesting example is of women like AnastasiaSartan and Marianna Milkis-Edwards, Epytom- The first AI personal stylist.Mainly based on technology like AI and machine learning, the company comes upwith a no-waste, made to order, customer-centric supply chain catching the eyeWalmart and Amazon.

According to them,” Epytom is like having your ownpersonal stylist at your beck and call. It analyzes your existing wardrobe andsuggests outfits via chat based on your daily agenda, personality and evenweather in your location.”  Gone are thedays when you would say “I have nothing to wear.” Try checking out the FacebookMessenger fashion assistant, Epytom Stylist.

Must Read: Everyone Speaks Of The Lack Of Women In Tech- I Can’t Agree Anymore!

In a nutshell,

The real-world applications of such technology are creating a beautiful reality in contrast to futuristic gloom and doom stories heard by you while back. Shortly, we’ll have even more women to thank for advances in AI.