Research conducted by Jawbone — in the largest sleep study in history — found that Australians are among the world’s best sleepers. Melbournians topped the list for getting the most sleep; averaging 6 hours 58 minutes a night, compared to the global city average of 6 hours, 47 minutes. It might not seem like a huge difference, but everyday snoozed alarms ring alongside cries of: ‘just 10 minutes more’.
What’s more, people in our home city, Brisbane, were found to be both the earliest to get to bed and the earliest to rise — a ritual that sees residents enjoy almost eight hours of sleep a night; a highly coveted target for adults, worldwide.
Results from the study tell a fascinating story about cities around the world, their cultures and their people. As Jawbone’s leading data scientist, Brian Wilt explained: “Each pattern forms a distinct ‘thumbprint’ for the city, the unique way its citizens live their lives.”
In an age where sleep has become a low priority — compromised by societal pressures to compete, earn and provide — it appears that countries across the globe could learn a lot from Australia.
We’re proud to see that Australians value sleep, and as a result have created a healthy relationship with it. At The Goodnight Co, we recognize that the benefits of a good night’s rest are many: it affects our health and beauty, sex life, weight and productivity.
Sleep is the key to a happy and successful life. It’s time to give yourself permission to love sleep, like an Australian.
Originally published at