At 27 years old, Ellen Yin is the founder of Cubicle to CEO™, an online membership that’s dedicated to helping coaches and service providers make their first $10,000 revenue month. She is also the host of the award-winning Cubicle to CEO™ Podcast, a weekly business show that has been downloaded in over 100 countries worldwide.

Leading a team of full-time employees, scaling a seven figure business, and  mentoring the students in her program require Ellen to stay focused and show up fully for the people who look to her for inspiration and guidance. 

So how does she keep herself from burning out? Ellen shares three main tips on how she battles burnout that others can learn from. 

Don’t Let Other People Run Your Schedule 

As founder and acting CEO of Cubicle to CEO™, there are many things that require Ellen’s attention. But instead of letting all of it overwhelm her, Ellen doesn’t allow her schedule to be run by other people’s urgencies. 

Ellen gets clear on what she wants to accomplish. She filters every task or meeting by asking herself the following questions: “Is this thing only important and urgent right now, or does it have long-term significance in my business?” “If I do this thing today, will it create more time in my business tomorrow, or will it continue to suck up my time?”

“Significance has become the key priority I make my decisions from these days,” she said. 

Find Time For Breaks 

Despite a busy schedule, Ellen finds time to build short breaks into the day and treat them like she would an important meeting with a client. 

“Some of our best thinking happens in the pause, and self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant or complicated. The important thing is that there is intentional rest and pause in your routine,” she said. 

‘Understand That Balance Is A Myth’ 

Many entrepreneurs and professionals are looking to find a work-life balance. But for Ellen, balance is a myth that people shouldn’t beat themselves up for if they haven’t achieved it. 

“What’s more practical is choosing priorities and getting clear on what you want and what you’re willing to do to get what you want in this season of life. Your priorities will change in different seasons, so honor that,” she said. 

She added that the best way to instill a sense of balance in life is by saying “no” more often to things that don’t support your current priorities. Doing so gives you something more realistic to strive for than balance: harmony. 

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