#THRIVEUP is a series about learning how to ‘Trust the Process’. I showcase some strong entrepreneurs and talent from my community that get deep to say that the “Process is REAL!” So we build, share and connect our communities to THRIVE! It’s my pleasure to introduce Alexandra Spirer.

Meet Alexandra Spirer! I met Alex (as I call her) about 7 yrs ago where she served on our host committee for our Annual LOH Safe Horizons Speakeasy Event at Webster Hall. That evening we chatted for only a short minute, exchanged info, however I will always remember her first impression… absolutely and completely genuine. I probably don’t need to tell you in NYC this kind of first impression can be a rare find. Fast forward years later and still touching base here and there, I received a message from Alex saying she’s moved out of NYC, making a huge transition out of partnership with her family and launching into her own events and PR company! She also sounded nervous as…well you know what. I had recently just finished a transition of my own so we chatted it out for a couple hours, checked in monthly and continued to work through her plan. Excitingly, Alex has been ‘Thriving Up!’ working with some pretty incredible talents and I’m excited for her to be collaborating with some of my clients at Day One House. Read a little more about Alexandra and what she had to say!
Alexandra Spirer graduated from Syracuse University with a BS in Consumer Studies in May 1999 and went onto promote her own brand of cookies called Alex & Dani’s light and crispy cookies across the US for 6 ½ years.
Alexandra has been event planning for the past 8 years for corporate and business clients, yacht, rooftop, networking & after work parties throughout the city every month for EuroCircle, Inc a European Network founded in NYC in 1999. EuroCircle, Inc which currently has over 15,000 members in the New York Metro Area and over 100,000 worldwide.
She is now a freelance publicist and event producer whose clients range far and wide. Events including Roxanne Shante’s 30th Anniversary celebration. She was instrumental in the successful book launch event for Celebrity Interviewer at Vanity Fair George Wayne’s new book in December 2017 and secured the cover of Industry Rules Magazine for George Wayne that was released in January 2018. More recently, she was the publicist for the Coco 2018 Art event during Art Basel in Miami Beach Dec 2018 featuring celebrity artists Tom Franco, Justin Suico and up and coming artist Ben Moon which was hosted by Celebrity Host Emily Leguizamo and sponsored by the Catalina Beach Club’s newest venue Taco Taco, Zico Coco Water and Nug Chocolate.
In 2018, Alexandra became a writer for Authority Magazine on Medium.com as well as NY Style Guide and in 2019 a Contributor on Thrive Global and Buzzfeed. She has featured Beyonce’s Creative Director Ty Hunter, Movie star and Vegan activist Alicia Silverstone as well as other notable celebrity designers and influencers.
Currently, Alexandra has her own feature series in Authority Magazine and Thrive Global featuring Female founders and entrepreneurs called Sheroes and has gotten the opportunity to interview top women in fashion, financial services, top doctors, entrepreneurs, best-selling authors, Emmy award winning brand experts and more.
Alexandra’s passion is giving back and she has been involved with numerous charitable organizations such as Surgeons of Hope, the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, Serving on the Host Committee for Mercado Global. In December 2017, she worked with the Global Gift Foundation on two events during Art Basel – Basel on the Bay Yacht Charity event and the Eva Longoria and Ricky Martin Foundation Gala at Eden Roc. For this event she secured numerous press outlets to cover the event, secured silent auction items and was able to have the Mayor of Miami Beach attend and present a key to the city.
Alexandra, thank you for taking part in the #THRIVEUP series! The uncomfortable times for change are being forced upon so many out there. Being a successful entrepreneur I know you are no stranger this. Can you share a story(s) on some hurdles that lead you through times like this?
Growing up I had some learning disabilities so with the help of my family and getting extra time on tests I was able to graduate high school and graduate with a BS of Science from Syracuse University in 4 years with a 3.33 grade point average. Being teased by some peers growing up made it hard to believe in myself but I took that and made it my mission to overcome and Only armed me to push harder to success.
When jumping these hurdles of change, we’re faced with insecurities about ourselves. Would you mind identifying a couple you faced and how you overcame them?
This is something I struggle with daily as so many others do. I left the only life I’ve ever known in New York, however I knew at the end of 2018 I had to start over. It’s been a rough process but one that has made me dig deeper into my soul than I ever thought was possible. Through this time of change brought ahead many insecurities:
One of them has been, ‘am I good enough?’ In the face of change questioning our capabilities is always the first culprit to arise. With all of my interviews, this is a common denominator.
I have also struggled with ‘will I be successful in my next endeavours?’ I can’t speak for others but change has been something I hate and I have stayed in situations in my life that I didn’t love because I was afraid of what I would lose if I left a job, ended a friendship etc., but the reality was if I hadn’t stepped away from everything I did I wouldn’t be on the path I am on today.
We all have our methods of dealing with insecurities. Mine is simply when the negative thought comes in… immediately switch with a positive. ie: ‘I can’t’ with It CAN’!
Facing these insecurities is the first step (and personally my favorite part and catch phrase) to “TRUST THE PROCESS”!! If you could describe in your own words that exhilarating feeling you get when this happens?
This is something I struggle with daily as so many others do. I left the only life in New York I knew at the end of 2018 to start over. It’s been a rough process.
However in the darkness our instincts make us dig deeper. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t done that. I have started writing for several publications and started freelancing in PR for several clients. Though I don’t know what tomorrow holds I believe I am on the right path. I truly am embracing the process and seeing what lies ahead for me!
The unknown to me is terrifying as most of my life I knew exactly where I was going, what I would be doing for work and I had security. Right now I am living in a new state, home and building a new company. There are days that I feel like I’m walking in a dark tunnel and unaware of my surroundings. However there is light ahead and every day gets brighter… and some days so bright it feels like the sunrise on the ocean. Warm on my face and that incredible feeling knowing the possibilities for this day are endless.
Can you list the top 5 lessons you’ve learned during the process to help our readers streamline to thrive? Please share an example for each:)
Never give up. There have been many times in my life when I was told I would never make it or be good enough. Push through and go for your dreams and what you want to do. If you do the possibilities of what you can accomplish are endless.
It’s ok to say no. A lot of my life I have been a yes person as I always wanted to make people happy. When I did I gave up so much of myself and didn’t have a lot of time for myself. Over the years though hard I have learned that it’s ok to say no to people and to not feel guilty about it. People may yell at you or be mean but at the end of the day you have to do what’s best for you. You should never feel guilty for that.
To truly trust the process. In life there are so many paths we can go but it’s often the ones not chosen that bring us to where we are supposed to be. I thought my whole life I would work with family but when that ended at the end of 2018 I didn’t know it then but I truly believe it happened for a reason. It forced me to face what was uncomfortable and what I wasn’t able to face before. I may not know what the future holds but I do know that if this hadn’t happened I would not be where I am today which is healthy, happy and on the path to doing what I love.
It’s Ok to Say Yes. Just as it’s ok to say no, it is also ok to say Yes. When the right opportunities come to you and you feel that they are good for you and for what you want to do in your life. But, it must go along with your purpose for what you want in your life.
Always be humble. No matter how fortunate you are in your life, always be humble. It’s ok to not take yourself seriously and it’s ok to be proud of what you have accomplished in your life but to always remember who you are and where you came from. To pay it forward where you can as giving back to others is the greatest gift.
What are some exciting things you are working on right now and with everything that is happening in the world, how is this making you ‘pivot’?
Right now I’m focusing on my clients with freelance PR. And also with you Christina and Day One House to reinvent the wheel a bit on making PR more accessible to all clients. And though the event world is on pause I am going to continue setting up the structure for my event company that I’d like to officially launch once we are able to have events again!
We all need a little support to keep marching forward! Is there anyone in particular who has helped you keep that ‘pep in your step’?
My mom has for better or worse always been my biggest supporter. She has taught me that it’s ok to not know it all and to make mistakes. At the end of the day to be true to yourself and who you are no matter what someone says. She has helped me through the dark days to see that it’s ok to be yourself and it’s ok to have a bad day.
If you could tag a catch phrase to yourself, what would it be?
To never judge a book by it’s cover. That until you know someone to never judge them for what they may look like or who they are. To get to know them before you make any decisions on who they are. Often we tend to judge people before we get to truly know them.
I’ve always wanted to push a movement for change, to very simply, ‘Smile at a Stranger’ every morning! Oh and the morning ‘DANCE IT OUT!’:). Is there a movement you would like to start or maybe Bliss Hack? And I’ll make a deal with you… if you push mine, I will push yours!
I always smile at people wherever I go. I have since I was a kid or as long as I can remember. SO I’M WITH YOU GIRL!! Let the smile movement begin!!! You never know what someone is going through but a smile goes a long way.
Is there anyone or any particular industry expert you would like to have a chat with? Lets see if we can make that happen:)
I have always wanted to meet the Queen of England. When I was younger I wrote her a letter and via one of her ladies in waiting I received a letter back.
When I lived in London my spring semester Junior year I was able to visit the Tower of London, Parliament/Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.
In 2005 I was able to visit Buckingham Palace and it was amazing to be in the place where the Queen lives.
Thank you again for sharing with us and we look forward to seeing you THRIVE more in the future!!
Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/aspirer76
Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/aspirer76
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandraspirer