The world was put on hold while the Corona-virus invaded every country and cities across America. Most world leaders were locking down businesses and implementing mandatory mask laws to curtail the spread of this deadly beast, while in America, Trump was ignoring it, playing it down for political purposes and still golfing on the taxpayer’s dollar.

As a woman of a certain age I am not just appalled but I am dismayed. Time is a precious gift to most but especially to those over 60 given the average national statics; in America the average life expectancy for a woman is age 81 and for men it is age 77. In other countries like Africa it is as low as age 62 in some areas. Time is not a commodity you can trade or barter for and being stuck inside a house for eight months has given many of us time to reflect.

Consider this:

· Weddings were cancelled, many lost their deposits.

· Funerals were cancelled, many were buried alone.

· Graduation was cancelled, a once in a lifetime event for most students who were given a lackluster send off.

· Vacations were cancelled just when stress was at its highest peak.

· Visiting your parents or grandparents in a retirement home was forbidden.

· Being at the hospital bedside of your dying loved one was forbidden.

· Children going to school, teachers, waitresses and so many others found themselves without a job or income.

· Colleges were shut down, many refusing to refund the tuition or dormitory fees prepaid by the students.

· Hospitals forfeited elective surgery to take care of the dying and sick.

· Bills, mortgages, rent all went unpaid along with other necessities.

· We’ve lost the physical connection, the ability to hug and hold each other which is invaluable to health and well-being.

We’ve witnessed a quarter of a million Americans die and every day we are reminded of the grim toll this pandemic has taken on health care workers, doctors and morgues. The families of those lost weren’t allowed to say goodbye, weren’t allowed to attend funerals or publically mourn their loved ones. Trump’s rhetoric continued to assault those grieving and sick daily, as he mocked the virus and anyone wearing a mask.

But for those over sixty years of age, the toll has been invisible to some degree. We don’t know what the last eight months might have produced if our lives had been returned to normal sooner. Eight months of idleness for a senior is precious time as each wrinkle forms and gray hair makes its permanent home. Those still healthy and spry enough to travel were grounded, those who are still socially active find themselves alone and lonely. Those who might have met a partner to take them into their final years have lost eight months of opportunity. Those who lost a loved one to Covid didn’t get the chance to have that last dance or even cry together.

Time has been lost and with it memories that will never be. For a senior there will be no making up so many of the events and opportunities that have been stolen over the last eight months. For many it is a long, dark road ahead filled with uncertainty.

While the young will go on, seniors will have to rethink their future and what, at the end of this year, is left that can be done safely. They will have to rethink their finances knowing another four years of Trump will rob them of social security and Medicare. Another four years will prove more fatal than the pandemic if Trump is given the chance to rape and pillage what few benefits are left for seniors. So much emphasis has been put on young people but they have years left whereas anyone over sixty continues to play Russian roulette with life span on a daily basis.

In the end it is the time lost that cannot be regained, it is youth and vitality squandered and that has been the greatest toll to seniors in America.


Ariaa Jaeger is an internationally recognized Spiritual Life Strategist, professional intuitive and counselor with expertise in spiritual psychology, cellular memory, quantum physics, meditation and mind over matter. Since her clinical death in the Austrian Alps in 1993, Ariaa has devoted her life to helping people from every culture to heal, prosper, evolve and transform their lives. To learn more visit her website at

#Covid19 #CoronaVirus #Elderly #Seniors #TimeLost #Time


  • Ariaa Jaeger

    Spiritual Life Strategist, Spiritual Psychology, Intuitive Therapist, Author

    Since her 27 minute death in the Alps in 1993 Ariaa has taught millions around the world a higher way of thinking, a more evolved way of living and a more loving way of being. Meditation, intuitive counseling, cellular memory pioneer, spiritual psychology, past life regression, hypnosis, energy work, emotional and physical healing for all ages.