How would you like to resume your morning bathroom routine? Do you jump for a short wash in the shower? Or do you want to spend your time resting under steaming water? One thing we all agree on is that the morning bathroom ritual has a huge effect on the day ahead. In this post, I ‘m talking about the latest study that exposes our morning routines. As well as my top tips on how to kick the day with a perfect bathroom ritual.
Only think about all the things that we all do the first thing in the morning. We’re brushing our teeth, getting a shower, washing up, having tea, and maybe taking medications, and a range of things to get our day off on the right foot. How are we going to find time to get it in?
Why We Need a Bathroom Morning Ritual
Parlos Faucet reported the findings of their study last week aiming at how much time people waste running about in the mornings. They have noticed that a lot of us felt the need to break out of the house. And we all want a bit more ‘me-time’ in the morning to start our days off perfectly.
Researchers have found that two-thirds of us are self-confessed ‘shower multi-taskers’ who seize the chance to kill two birds with one stone and do something else in the water flowing.
I know when I first pop into the bathroom, I ‘m going to listen to the radio and schedule my day ahead for the shower. And I’m not alone in ‘shower-tasking’ (my word in the bathroom for multitasking).
As part of their daily routine (which is a positive sign), three out of 10 adults brush their teeth, while four out of 10 take the opportunity to clean their toilet easily.
I remember I still give first thing a little wipe down on my bathroom surfaces and give my plants a little water and give the loo a little clean. My bathroom has a magazine shelf, just in case I have time to read in the morning.
With the average shower lasting just under nine minutes, by having jobs completed in the water, multi-taskers save more than 10 minutes a week. It might be as simple as listening to an audio book, watching a TV show on a phone, or even bathing a pet in the tub.
The research also showed that we still care about food even when we are in the shower. About half of adults have admitted that they prepare a shopping list or figure out what they are going to cook for dinner.
The only thing that made me laugh out loud was that one in 20 parents would escape to the bathroom to eat because it’s the one way their kids wouldn’t come to pinch their meal!
And 15 per cent agree that if they have their morning shave before showering, they will have more time in bed. I always have a cup of coffee with me upstairs in the mornings, so it’s ready to slurp as soon as I get out of the tub.
Starting to love the mornings
What this study reveals is that in the mornings, as a country, we run around like mad trying to get all down before we leave the house. More than a third of the adults surveyed said they don’t have enough time to get all done in the day and that’s why every morning they’re ‘shower-tasking’.
About half of the survey respondents thought like their lives were simply too busy, with 62 percent claiming like their time in the shower cubicle was their only opportunity to turn off. Many of us seem to think nothing about doing loads of duties in the shower and it has unfortunately become part of our regular, daily lives.
First Thing Taking Time Out
And what if your morning ritual is where the head of the day is in the head?
Not all of us, when brushing our teeth, run about like crazy washing the bathroom. Any of us love finding the opportunity to reflect about our day. When women are twice as likely as men to prepare a wardrobe for the day or weekend, just under half of Britons say they use showering as their time to remember.
One in five adults has been found to contemplate the nature of life when enjoying a scrub. Over 12% admit that they have made a life-changing decision while lathering up. For all of us, being in the bath or shower is the one place where we have the ability to take stock, prepare the day or clearly think about problems.
When I have a longer shower in the morning, I have more time to think. Spending half an hour in the shower in the morning feels like a treat, but it really makes my whole day feel more balanced.
Planning my day ahead (rather than rushing around) in the pool or shower makes my entire day feel easier and livelier, and less of a list of things that I need to cross off.
Benefits of Using PARLOS Faucets
In case you are planning to modify a bathroom or kitchen, PARLOS faucets deserve your attention. Their goal is simple: To give our customers a way to spend their cosy, family, and friendly time. PARLOS faucet is the most popular faucet brand, the best seller on Amazon. We have shared somes best selling PARLOS faucets and hope you find the right product that’ll meet all your needs.

If you need a cost-effective, attractive, and durable addition to your kitchen or bathroom, then you can purchase one of the PARLOS faucets. Some of their products come with plastic drain assembly, but you can overlook its shortcomings because of its affordable price.
We would recommend Parlos faucets to individuals who don’t want to modify their plumbing system without take any external help. Their faucets meet the standards of NSF 61 and cUPC. So, Parlos products are also suitable for a family.