If you’re like most people, you probably begin each year with an idea of what you want to achieve within the next 12 months. While you may feel ambitious in January, that high level of energy will likely begin to wane in a very short time. The trick to achieving your objectives is to stay motivated through a series of activities and positive mindsets.

Money Shouldn’t Be Your Primary Motivation

If you don’t enjoy your current line of work, that may be an obstacle to achieving your professional goals regardless of how much money you make. It may be time to quit your job and look for something more in line with your personality. Quitting is often more difficult than it would seem. It means standing firm against tough employee exit interview questions and saying goodbye to colleagues you’ve known for years. However, if you want to achieve your goals, this may be a necessary step.

Evaluate Your Goals

Another problem people face is that they try to take on goals that don’t really interest them. When they fail, they assume they took on too many goals, but, in fact, they may have just taken on the wrong goals. Examine each objective with some honest inward analysis and ask yourself if this is something you really do want for yourself. Often we try to accomplish things to make others proud and that’s why we fail. Moving forward means only taking on objectives that inspire you with passion.

Quit Procrastinating

Even when it’s a task we want to accomplish, getting into a productive mindset can be a challenge in itself. Often, we procrastinate until the hour grows late and we have to rush through the task. Instead, look for ways to compel yourself to get started. One example might be to promise yourself a break after 15 minutes of work. The trick here is that you’ll be in a more productive mindset after 15 minutes of work and you’ll be less likely to want to stop. Taking it one minute at a time will help you keep moving forward toward your goals.

Divide Up Your Ultimate Objective

Working towards one goal can be counterproductive in itself, because it can seem like you’re trying to achieve an impossible task. Instead, divide that larger objective into a series of smaller goals, which are more easily attainable. As you accomplish each goal, congratulate yourself and look for ways to reward your achievement. This will help you make more progress toward the ultimate goal by giving you a way to mark your progress. Often, people give up on their dreams when it seems as though they’re not making any headway, but a system that recognizes smaller achievements will help you stay motivated.

Spice Up Your Tasks

Whether your ambition is in improving your physique or advancing your career, you’ll lose interest if everything feels like a chore. Instead, look for ways to make your tasks fun. For instance, if you’re trying to lose weight, forcing yourself to hit the gym every day can end up draining your enthusiasm. You’ll soon lose interest and, before you know it, you’ve stopped going to the gym altogether. Try going bicycling or swimming instead. Choose activities that you enjoy, so you’ll be less likely to view it as work. Adding variety and enjoyment can make any task seem less grueling and that will help you stay interested.

Take a Break

You can’t expect yourself to remain dedicated to reaching your objectives 365 days a year. If you try, you’ll likely lose steam and abandon your dream for another year. Instead, take the time to relax and regroup. Even a two-day weekend road trip can be enough to recharge your batteries. You may even find inspiration by exploring a new area or community. When you return, you’ll be better motivated to jump back into the swing of things.

Unless you actively motivate yourself continuously throughout the year, you’ll find that it will be impossible to maintain a steady momentum. Continuously moving forward means finding the pleasure and rewards in your tasks and even taking breaks every once in awhile. If you do this, you may find that you have achieved your goal sooner than expected.