Over the past week or so, I’ve had flu-like symptoms. My physician indicated it was post-nasal drip, which is annoying as hell.

When you’re way under the weather, your motivation takes a significant hit, and your energy levels are way lower than you’re used to.

When you’re a driven individual, that’s constantly moving things forward on a daily basis, getting sick is a rude interruption to your goals. You think about your to do list, but have no energy to even write a blog post, much less work on anything.

That’s been my week.

Prior to my 369 Days, whenever I was ill, I wouldn’t take the time to rest and recover. I would push through the illness, continuing to work and pushing aside the desire to rest.

Not the best strategy. It’s a prescription for burnout.

Thankfully I rarely come down with colds, or the flu, because of the pre-emptive measures I use to keep my health:

  • Get 7-8 hours of restful sleep every night
  • Dress appropriately for the weather. Canada winters have significant temperature swings, so don’t be bold and go out without a jacket
  • Saline Nasal Rinse. This has been a life saver for me
  • Exercise regularly. Keeping active keeps your immune system working
  • Eat real food. Listen to my podcast interview with Chris Marshall to learn more
  • Minimize stress. Meditation, mindfulness, plenty of ways to help

This time around I’m not beating myself up for not getting things done that I want to do. I’m resting and doing things when the energy is there, and resting when the energy is nowhere to be found. And that’s ok.

The work will be there when I’m better. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Your body is telling you it needs to recover. Help your body out by allowing that to happen.


  • Michael Levitt

    Chief Burnout Officer

    Breakfast Leadership, Inc.

    Michael Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of Breakfast Leadership, Inc,, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout prevention firm. He is a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, and is one of the world's leading authorities in burnout recovery and prevention.  He is also a Fortune 500 consultant, #1 bestselling author, and host of the Breakfast Leadership Show, a top 200 podcast on iTunes. He is a 2x Top 20 Global Thought Leader on Culture with Thinkers360. He is a former Healthcare executive, CIO, and CFO overseeing $ 2 Billion budgets, so he’s seen and done it all.
    His main keynotes are:
    1. Burnout Prevention: How To Avoid Your Own Year of Worst-Case Scenarios 2. Workplace Culture: Create A Workplace That People Will Beg To Work With 3. Working Remotely With Boundaries: How To Accomplish More At Home, Without Burning Out