I have the right To laugh at what amuses me To sing loudly to beautiful songs Songs old and new, human songs I sing mine. It might move your feet to tap and dance The song is sweet It sounds like freedom I am here to be human. To laugh, fall and cry, To be strong, to be weak I have not lost my way I follow the path that unfolds Scared and vulnerable, My feet will take the distance one a time I am the journey. I have the right to say no To change my mind, To make a new decision Bear with me as I figure it out I will express myself I am here It pleases me so It sounds like self-acceptance I put myself first I make my own mistakes The stars shine in all directions It might confuse you my way of being. I have chosen this path I am here to let go of expectations To find my way. I will say yes To new experiences To feel the warm sun on my skin To new opportunities Scared and trembling I say yes And feel strong I have the right to be wrong To get it upside down To have no idea what the next step is It might look easy from the outside I choose to embrace my mistakes It will not always be easy But I will remind myself that the joy is in the travel It is not in the destination I am here, To be tall, short, dark or fair, To have short nappy curls It is not my curse It is my joy I am a mystery and a wonderful story What the next chapter might be An ever tantalising story Cascades off divine lips A soul trapped inside a body Exhilarating lung-fulls What does it mean To dance to the wind