Over 27,000 unique downloads of my podcast.
Zero marketing spend.
I picture standing in front of thousands of people.
Teaching them about anxiety, stress management and how to stop procrastinating.
It is wild.
I remember recording my very first episode.
It is the only episode I re-recorded (twice). I just wanted to help people.
I had read so much dis-empowering misinformation online.
I had become an expert in these areas through learning, personal experience and training.
Mainly I learned by FAILING and moving forward to try again. That really
Each week I hear from people all over the world letting me know how it has helped them.
This week alone I heard from Japan, Germany, New Zealand, the UK, and across the US.
I am hearing how the content and work I am producing is helping people transform their lives.
I am growing my business and finding my people through creating authentic, consistent, valuable content.
I know that you are scared to try something new, to be vulnerable, to put your work out there.
I get it.
I was too.
But it isn’t about you.
Do it for the people you will help.
If you are struggling, contact me I am happy to help.
Oh, and be sure to listen to the podcast by clicking here