Singles who have had issues finding the right partner can refer to many outlets to point them in the right direction. Different review platforms will provide an overview of suiting services. As well as introducing you to prospective partners, these websites can also provide an excellent platform for keeping in touch after you’ve connected with someone. Especially if you happen to be in a long-distance relationship. Here are five of the best tips for stoking the flames of passion when you’re apart.
Stick to a ‘contact timetable’
A key aspect of staying in touch when you’re separated by some distance – perhaps even several timezones – is to pay close attention to the time you do end up spending together. So rather than making vague promises about when you’ll phone or email next, state the actual time. Make sure your other half has something to look forward to, the sense of anticipation growing. If there’s any reason why you’re not going to be able to honor this agreement, give plenty of warning, with sincere apologies. And make an alternative arrangement immediately. (If we are talking different timezones, then plan accordingly).
Be creative with your flirting
By all means chat about the mundane things during your phone calls, texts, or video chats. Just discussing the wonderful meal you just enjoyed will allow your significant other to paint the mental picture and imagine their presence. But also ensure your partner realizes what they’re missing. Just because you aren’t in the same location is no reason why you can’t raise blood pressure. Indulge in suggestive conversations. Get creative – and passionate!
Share in social activities
You’ll undoubtedly have TV shows you regularly watch, favorite movies, or music you love listening to (even dancing to!) together. There’s no reason you can’t continue these communal experiences. So watch the next few episodes of that Netflix series you both adore. You can pause key moments in real-time, then chat about the action in texts or phone conversations. What about reading the same book? You could establish your own book club, keeping abreast of plot developments, enthusing about the twists and turns.
Anticipate a rendezvous
No matter how long your separation might be panning out, don’t fixate on this passage. Instead, make your main focus that date on the calendar when your partner will be returning. Or perhaps you’ve both got some spare time and have arranged to meet up for a romantic weekend break somewhere. Mark this all-important rendezvous date on the kitchen wall calendar, highlighted in lurid red marker pen. Then keep an eye on this magical moment drawing ever closer. Arrange the taxi trip to the airport or the station pick-up well in advance so you aren’t left fretting about making the necessary transport arrangements on the actual day.
Avoid unduly tempting situations
No matter how solid your relationship might be, you can’t solely rely on the adage ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder.’ There’s an equally well-worn saying: ‘when the cat’s away, the mice will play.’ What if you happen to be invited to a works night out where there’s going to be someone present who you’ve had a history with or might still have some feelings for? What if there’s also going to be a free bar? You never know how events might evolve, even if this is a situation you know you’d bitterly regret after anything untoward happened. Best to take a rain cheque.