Unforeseen situations may have thrown you into a work from home situation. How can you succeed and stay happy working from home? Follow the tested tips below.

  1. Have A Designated Working Area

The greatest tip for productivity for a work from home scenario is to have a designated work area. Ideally, you will have a home office where you can shut the door and close out all distractions in you home away. If that is not possible make sure to have a designated area of your home to work. It will be helpful if you have a desk or even table that is specifically for you r work set up. This will make the adjustment to working from home much easier and you will be able to have work/life balance.

2. Don’t Wear Pajamas To Work

Dress up as if you were going into the office. This sends ques to your brain that is work time and not chill time. I am not a firm believer in full force dressing up high heels and all. I do recommend, however, to go for somewhere in the middle. Shooting for a business casual dress code is my preference. You will be ready for an impromptu video work meeting and your mind will subconsciously know when its time to work.

3. Create A To-Do List

Working from home take more self motivation. Your boss isn’t watching you and you don’t have visual ques from coworkers. At the end of the day create a to-do list for the following day. This will help you have direction every morning and a list of goals to help you keep on track during the day. Everyday you will be productive. If asked to supply your progress you will have a clear timeline of what you have accomplished.

4. Take A Break

When you are at the office you take a walk to the break room to get coffee. During a typical workday, you will chat with your coworker. Don’t feel bad about getting up from your home office to go walk outside a few minutes. Take a short coffee break away from your designated work area. During the day keep in touch with your coworkers. Try to keep connected with your workmates.

5. End Your Workday

Working from home makes it difficult to such down your mental work mode. Set clear parameters. Your workday would normally end by leaving the office at 5 pm. Apply the same principle to work from home. Set your work notifications to such off at the same time you would leave the office before. At the end of your workday turn off your home office set up and walk away from it for at least 15 minutes. Go change into your pajamas. This will create many mental ques and will allow your mind to also shut off.

These tips have helped me enjoy work from home for many years now. Working from home also should allow for work/life balance. Follow the above tips to have an easier time transitioning to work from home.
