Talent managers can rightly be called as the pioneer in building the reputation of any artist or a celebrity. Being a talent manager is not as glorious as it may sound. The pre-requisite for any talent manager is to be confident about his or her work. In simple words, it is important to be confident to reach the pinnacle for any talent manager. However, Tushar Agarwal’s story was different. The talent manager possessed great working skills but lacked in looks as he grew up as a fat child. Moreover, Tushar even doubted his self-esteem on multiple occasions.
To deal with his body issues as a child, Tushar diverted his mind towards studies thus escaping the reality. Despite scoring exceptional grades, he always remained unhappy due to his external looks. With time, he started his college and added extra kilos bringing his self-esteem to the dust. “It was around this time that I was just constantly trying to avoid contact with other humans. I had zero confidence in myself and isolating myself was the only option”, said Agarwal. Fortunately, things have drastically changed and Tushar has had a roller-coaster journey till now.
The one who hardly communicated with people is doing it all day now. Tushar has mastered himself in communication skills and his story is less about self-acceptance and more about being comfortable in his own skin. His road to transformation began when he spent more time in the gym than at home. “It really drained me off but also boosted my self-esteem and confidence. Losing 55 to 60 kgs is not a cakewalk and I am glad I could do it. Transform yourself in a way that you look unrecognizable in everyone’s eyes”, quoted the talent manager.
Besides this, enrolling for BMS remains a stepping-stone in his career. Talking to people, sharing ideas and improvising communication skills helped him in climbing the ladder of success in the field of talent management. His next plan is to groom himself for celebrity management and he is putting in his best foot forward for it. “I am proud of the person I have become today”, added Agarwal. Calling self-confidence as a superpower, Tushar is leaving no stone unturned to be the best name in the business of talent management.