More than being the gorgeous face on television teaching audiences about how to create an exciting and productive lifestyle, Barbara Majeski is a fighter and a proud cancer survivor. Behind the smile of the woman on TV who seems to have it all is someone who went through a painful divorce and was simultaneously diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Beneath her warm and jolly exterior is someone who fought two of the greatest battles of her life and came out victorious, and she is now sharing her story to help others bounce back from their personal tragedies.
Majeski was made famous by her lifestyle features that are a regular part of the Today Show, NY Live, Chicago the Jam, Inside Edition, and Good Day New York, among others. Best known for “Curator of the Good Life,” she personally curates everything that pertains to the best of the best lifestyle, entertainment, and travel for her segments. She has a wide range of followers across the country, and her loyal followers look forward to her weekly appearances. They mostly gravitate toward her jolly personality on-cam and her sophisticated sense of style.
On top of her television commitments, Majeski also established and hosted her own podcast called Baring It All. The podcast is available on her personal website and just recently on the new social networking app called Clubhouse. Majeski launched her own club in the application with the same name as the podcast.
Mostly, Majeski talks about inspirational stories and insights that she hopes will give people hope no matter what their life’s condition may be. After surviving divorce and stage 3 cancer while raising three beautiful children, Majeski has learned a thing or two about finding the strength and courage to move forward and hope for the best. After beating cancer and coming out a stronger person from her divorce, she is more committed to living life purposefully and approaches every aspect of it with creativity and confidence.
Transparency and authenticity are two of Majeski’s best attributes. She remembers very well that she made a vow to herself while undergoing treatment for her cancer. She promised herself that if she were given a second chance to live life to the fullest, she would do it bigger, bolder, and better than she did before. She was determined never to play small again. After completing her treatment, she sold her wedding ring, hired a media trainer, and relaunched the television segment with much gusto. The relaunch also included creating a much stronger presence on social media.
At this point in her life, Majeski is nothing but deeply grateful that she is alive and well, able to see her children grow to become the people they are destined to be. Just like she promised herself, she is maximizing each beautiful day that she is given to rediscover how it is to truly live free. As she looks forward to more possibilities in the future, she aspires to make her personal brand a household name and serve as an inspiration to countless others who are seeking answers and meaning. Follow Barbara Majeski’s inspiring life journey by visiting her website.