Staying at home most of the time became a new normal when Covid19 struck. We are not out of the woods yet, and we do not know when we shall permanently put the on-and-off lockdowns behind us. There are rays of hopes in some places.
Those of us who maintained the gym-based exercises found themselves unable to attend, for fear of contracting the coronavirus at the gym. Being clueless on how to exercise at home, the fitness gains already made in the body were reversed.
The lesson we have learned is that it is fitting to have a backup plan for even exercises. You need to not over-rely on the gym; you can learn some home-based exercises to keep you in shape in the comfort of your home.
But epidemics and lockdowns are not the reasons you need to learn some home-based exercises. You will still need to keep these skills post-Covid19.
Even in the absence of Covid-19 or other epidemics, some people (they call themselves introverts) are more comfortable at home than at the gym, so they are naturally more interested in the following home fitness types:
1. Stairs Workout/ Stairs Cardio
If you would like to burn fat, one way out is to climb the stairs fast up and down. You can try 12 fast trips per hour each day on at least 15 stairs. It helps if you live in an apartment. If you don’t, make good use of the few stairs at your disposal; make trips that equal 15 stairs. This thigh exercise is essential for your quadriceps and hamstrings.
2. Push-Ups
Push-ups or press-ups are one home-based exercise you can regularly practice to keep your shoulders healthy and in good shape. Indeed, a muscular, firm chest and arms is a plus for men (and women, sorry) who are conscious of their physique.
The traditional push-ups require you to lie downwards on the floor, stand on your arms, then push up and down. Depending on the fitness level you wish to acquire, you can do the push-ups with one arm at a time. Of course, this is more intense, but with time it comes easy.
There are many other forms of press-ups that you can try. There is the other one where you place your feet on a stable chair.
3. Squats
Squats are one of the simple and easy fitness exercises you can do at home. Squats are beneficial for keeping your buttocks and thighs strong and in good shape. Women should especially read this with a lot of interest.
In most cases, it is the women more interested in a well-shaped butt. Well, it comes at a price for some, so learn to squat. How do you squat? First, stand straight, with legs open as wide as the width of your hips.
Then slowly bend your knees, lowering your buttocks towards the floor, with your back straight and arms spread straight like the aeroplane wings. Do not take any of your feet off the ground. Once you are to the lowest level, come up again and repeat 2, 3, 4…or even 20 times.
4. Jump Rope
Jump rope is one exciting home-based exercise that you should try to burn unnecessary fat and calories. It would be best to jump or skip rope as quickly as possible for at least 2-3 minutes before taking a rest then resuming.
5. The Side Plank
The side plank has been proven to improve core stability and body balance. It is the same procedure as the traditional press-ups, but with this, you lie on your side (called the plank position) then lift your body weight.
6. Run!
Do you have a spacious compound where you can run around every morning or evening? If yes, then run! Jogging is one of the most popular fitness activities you can do at home.
Parting Shot
Learning home-based exercises is also one way to cut costs if you wish to keep in shape on a tight budget. Again, do not expect to see gains after a day or two of exercising at home. It takes time, so you have to learn patience and endurance. All the mentioned types of exercises will only impact your physique or wellness if you are consistent.
Do not try one of them today, skip four or five days, try again, and expect to see changes.
It would help if you also practiced other healthy habits hand in hand with the exercises; these include but are not limited to eating a healthy balanced diet and drinking at least eight glasses of water in a day.
Safety comes first, so only try an exercise style you are comfortable doing without risking injuries. For every new technique, it is advisable to start at the lowest level and work your way up as you get used to it.