To understand customer buying behaviors it is important to comprehend how an individual makes a purchase and the dynamics that surround & influences to take the decision. It is not only important for businesses to make a sale of their product/services, it will also enable how to align their sales & marketing strategies to target the right audience and create more-enticing products and service offers.
If we go back few years down the lane, in India a face cream was advertise or marketed to make the people’s skin fair and having a brown/dusky skin was a taboo. Today’s generation has realized that you must be comfortable in your skin and it doesn’t really matter whether you are fair, brown/dusky or black. Businesses should adapt these changes in the customer buying behavior patterns and strategies while promoting products & service offers.
If we look at clothing, we have always seen that a brand promoting their products by a well-known celebrity or an artist eating at an expensive restaurant, traveling to an exotic location, driving an expensive car or attending a lavish wedding venue. As a brand owner it also needs to be realized that people also like to know how do they look wearing a brand clothing while taking a public transport in a bus or train. Businesses should understand these types of customer buying behaviors as well and India has a majority population of middle class.