While some people are frustrated with having to work remotely due to the threat of coronavirus, especially if the concept is new to them or they are not tech-savvy, others have recognized the opportunity that working remotely afford them. Specifically, people must now find inventive solutions for problems that they may be facing for the first time, which means that even those people in non-creative fields must be creative. These times are trying, but they just might show us the importance of creativity.
Those people who do not think they have the capacity for creativity simply don’t understand the factors that contribute to it. Creativity is a mix of a growth mindset, curiosity, and problem-solving. After all, some of the most creative solutions have arisen from a stubborn and pesky problem. Understanding these components enables you to improve upon each of them.
It’s easy to stoke the fires of curiosity by continuously learning. Trying new activities, spending time with new people, and changing patterns of behavior can also encourage curiosity. There are also books available that help people hone in on their creative potential.
The next element of creativity, problem-solving, can be as challenging as it is rewarding. The very first step is to identify the problem and not just a symptom. People must also learn and implement brainstorming frameworks to solve those problems. These tools are especially important when a team tries to solve problems.
Growth and innovation are closely related. Those who resist either will struggle to unleash their creativity. While innovation often naturally occurs, you can be open to growth, which invites innovation. Furthermore, creatively solving a problem may be seen as innovation from people on the outside. As soon as the market accepts a solution as innovative, it is, even if the people who solved that problem were not aiming for innovation.
If any of these traits are lacking, creativity will suffer as a result. In short, you must not leave creativity to chance. You must nurture the underlying traits — growth, curiosity, and problem-solving — if you want to foster creativity within yourself and others. But once you do, it can pay off both personally and professionally, making you a more employee and team member.
Originally published on MattWalkerKansas.net