Employees are the lifeblood of any industry. Successful companies are nothing without every small contribution by dedicated employees.
What do these prosperous corporations do differently from the reported 66% of new businesses that are doomed to fail in their first decade? They recognize and invest in their most valuable asset: their people.
Strong businesses use these three unique strategies for increasing workplace productivity.
Increase happiness
It may not come as a surprise that happy people are more productive. A recent study has found that happy people were 20% more effective than their glum counterparts. Increasing workplace happiness doesn’t mean doubling everyone’s’ salaries. Notice your employees’ accomplishments and take time to point out when someone goes above and beyond. Recognition is an excellent tool to increase productivity.
Promote Healthy Habits
A holistic approach is the best way to increase workplace productivity. Employees who eat healthily and get enough sleep and exercise have been reported to have 25% higher job performance. To add, the North East Business Group on Health found that obesity takes a massive toll on workplace productivity.
Unhealthy employees:
- Take more sick days.
- File almost twice as many workers’ comp cases.
- Have lower levels of job performance.
Encourage employees to burn fat as part of competitions or workplace incentives, and see returns on their health, happiness, and productivity. Even just 30 minutes of light cardio a day can make a big difference!
Trust Your Employees
People live up to our expectations of them. The bad kid in the back of the class is labeled a “problem child” in elementary school, and for the rest of his life, he acts how people expect him to act. The same holds for adults. Workplaces block social media and other “fun” sites to encourage their employees to focus. This usually has the opposite of the desired effect.
Employees who are trusted to self-regulate are more likely to:
- Contribute creatively
- Be a valued member of the team
- Have high levels of automony
When businesses invest in their most valuable asset, they see resounding returns. What are your most unique workplace productivity hacks?
This article was originally published on HansKohlsdorf.com.