Not everyone is going to encourage you when you’re determined to Take it to the Next Level.
In fact, surprisingly, family members, friends and acquaintances will look at you differently. They may scratch their head and wonder, Who does she think she is? Because your newfound motivation, desire, ambition and drive no longer correspond with memories they retain from your past, there will be a disconnect.
This is natural and normal. Try not to become upset when this happen. Continue to be compassionate, understanding, and loving toward this group of people.
The truth is that complete strangers will be more supportive of you than your flesh and blood relatives. This is because your relatives can’t move beyond how they saw you then, and who you are now.
Every seven years, all the cells in our body are renewed. No one and nothing stays the same. We change. We grow. We evolve.
When we move up in levels—I’m referring to moving up spiritually—the things that used to attract us no longer do. As we begin to ‘see’ things differently, our interests and allegiances shift. The people we were attracted to then, no longer have the ‘honey’ power now. The pursuits we thought were cooler than cool then, have suddenly been downgraded to What was I thinking?
If you remain true to yourself and are genuinely interested in taking it to the next level, then you will notice a shift taking place. This shift represents a shift in: interest, focus, understanding, ‘seeing,’ feeling, associations, goals and relationships. Ultimately, it is a global shift that involves body, mind and spirit. The shift is facilitating the birthing of the new you.
As you move from level to level, you will grow in five ways.
- To Your Health
In Bulgaria, a common greeting can be roughly translated as I wish you long life and good health! Bulgarians know that these two factors—being alive and in good health—are primary building blocks.
One of the first things that will shift when you decide to Take it to the Next Level is your health. You’ll be healthier! Before you committed to shifting your focus away from that which brought you down—in a multitude of ways—to that which uplifted you, you weren’t in good health. Your body was suffering because you hadn’t yet started working on creating the new you. Once you began, though, you immediately noticed positive changes. You understood that your spiritual elevation was directly tied to your physical body. You realized, too, that you were improving in the mental and psychosocial spheres. Again, you were moving toward building the base of the ‘new pyramid’ which represented the new you. It was a global shift designed to, so to speak, improve the product: you!
- I’m Happy!
The second thing that started to happen as you seriously began to advance on your spiritual journey of upleveling was that you felt happy. Although you’d felt happiness then, it didn’t compare to the joy that you felt now. There was something out-of-this-world about the happiness you felt now that eclipsed by miles and miles whatever you thought was happiness then.
- Look at Me
Another factor that started changing was your self-esteem. You began to realize the importance of saying no. Your self-esteem started growing and you were no longer as available as you were then. You no longer positioned yourself as the person who would be there whenever someone needed you. You began to learn how to value and love yourself. You understood the preciousness of your nature and how you were both the recipient of gifts as well as being a gift.
- Moving forward
Whereas others had positioned themselves in such a way as to put their needs first and yours second, when you decided to ‘pick up the mantle,’ the tables were turned. You understood that if your needs weren’t met, you couldn’t meet the needs of others’. This is similar to what happens on an airplane when the oxygen masks drop. The parent must place the mask on themselves first and then on the child. The parent will be unable to assist the child should they become unconscious. By placing their need ahead of their child’s, they are guaranteed to be able to save their child.
- Use your Intuition
When you seriously pursue taking it to the next level, you will become more intuitive. Your understanding will shift from right- to left-brained. There will be a widening of how you do ‘information intake.’ It will no longer be binary like it was then, but will shift to multinary (new word). It will feel like a rapid-fire growth in your sensory ability. Your information needs are, virtually, instantly met now, whereas you stumbled and fumbled then.
Let’s Take it to the Next Level,