2020 has been an interesting one, indeed. To help shed some positive light on the future, I’ve noticed a handful of up and coming women who are striving to make a change noted below.

Angela Ficken, LICSW is a full-time psychotherapist in private practice. Her office is located in Boston, MA. She specializes in OCD, eating disorders, and anxiety-related concerns.

She started her career at McLean Hospital, which is one of the top-ranking psychiatric hospitals in the country, and affiliated with Harvard University. She was the head social worker on an inpatient unit that focuses on anxiety and depression. During her time at McLean, she trained in exposure therapy and became certified in CBT and DBT. Shortly thereafter, she worked at Harvard University as a primary therapist for undergraduate and graduate students. During her time there, she taught students CBT and DBT skills to help them manage a range of challenging emotions that young adults face daily.

Along with her work at McLean and Harvard, Angela had a small private practice for years before she decided to move to full time in 2013. From there, she focused her attention on working with young adults and entrepreneurs primarily after noticing that both groups struggled with anxiety disorders and stress-related issues due to life transitions and the uncertainty of what was coming next in their lives. The struggle, as they say, is “real”.

Jen Lawrence is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional, who helps her clients through the process of divorce. She specializes in coaching women who have supported their husbands’ successful careers navigate divorce. She helps her clients move from feelings of overwhelm to the business of divorce and provides clarity about finances and the divorce process. Jen is also a CDC Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach™ and can help clients design a post-divorce life that excites them.

Jen has an MBA in Finance and worked in consulting and investment banking for years prior to staying at home to raise her children. After her unexpected divorce, she pivoted to freelancing writing, speaking, and consulting, and has written a number of articles for HuffPost, Today’s Parent, and Toronto Star. She is also a seasoned media personality appearing on The Mom Show, Report on Business TV, See Hear Love, and TVO Parents. 

Lori Peck is the owner of CAASI, a CBD beverage drop company. She faced cancer and the unexpected end of a twenty-year relationship. She believes we all have stories and how we move forward in the face of adversity is a choice. The foundation of her strength and resilience came from gratitude, forgiveness, love of friends and family, meditation, an active healthy lifestyle, and the help of CBD. What we put in our bodies matters. She is determined to live her best life and help others do the same. That goal is what led her into the cannabis industry and on a path to find clean plant-based ingredients, amazing partners, and vendors that share those same goals.