Ensure they know your love is unconditional.
The way we see our kids (or the way our kids believe we see them) has a profound and serious impact on the way they view themselves.
Make it clear to your children that you love and care for them even when they make mistakes or poor decisions, and avoid harshly criticizing or shaming them. They need to know they can make mistakes and still be a good and responsible person. They also need to know you will never abandon them if they do make mistakes.
They will develop confidence in themselves if they know they can make poor decisions and mistakes and they will know and believe they have the ability to change because they know you believe in them. Children won’t believe in themselves if you don’t believe in them and the possibilities that they have. The more we believe in them and make them know we believe in them will strengthen their confidence and make them strong in their own decision-making skills.
Practice positive self-talk with them.
Children and adults ofthen engage in negative and damaging self-talk. They put themselves down and question things within themselves. “I can’t do this,” or, “I’m terrible at __________,” or, “What is wrong with me?”
Teach them affirmations and to do them every day. They will learn positive self-talk that will help them get through any sad, tough and challenging situation.
Address them by their name.
Addressing children by name is a powerful and simple way to send the message that they’re important, especially when paired with friendly and sustained eye contact.
Join their play and let them lead.
Joining in a child’s play sends the message that he is important and worthy of your time and care.
During playtime, parents can allow children to choose or initiate the activity, as well as lead it. When parents engage in and appear to enjoy a child-led activity, the child feels valuable and accomplished.
They will develop confidence in their decision-making skills. When they will be called on to use it in the future, they will know they can make positive and good decisions.
They need to also learn they can make mistakes in their decisions but know they can make better ones in the future. If we show them through our own decision -making mistakes, that we can turn it around and then make good ones.