The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s social distancing guidelines are currently in effect around the country as a reaction to COVID-19. It’s normal that people can feel elevated rates of anxiety and tension during this phase, since they reduce social contact and spend long stretches of time at home. The Administration of Drug Dependence and Mental Health Services or SAMHSA recently released a tip sheet with recommendations and tools to improve behavioral wellbeing through times of social distancing or quarantine arising from an epidemic of disease.

1. Control COVID-19 news consumption: Do not watch news coverage 24/7 for COVID-19 alerts as it may contribute to elevated anxiety.

2. Find reliable sources of news: Relentless media coverage during a public health epidemic will offer viewers an idea of heightened risk and threat. Look to authoritative organizations that provide guidance and suggestions, such as the CDC and the World Health Organizations, and also act as the main source for media outlets. Register with municipal councils to obtain warning warnings.

3. Self-care practice: Physical wellbeing can play a significant role in mental wellness. Take time to calm by resting, relaxing or meditating on deep-breathing exercises. Treat yourself to enjoyable events. Keep a journal that describes the good stuff about life.

Typical responses to a global pandemic include terror and uncertainty about personal wellbeing or the safety of loved ones. Certain emotions may involve resentment, disappointment, and anxiety with the confusion about when life may return to “natural.” Be mindful that certain individuals can develop signs of depression or post-traumatic stress disorder in conditions of high tension and isolation. Anyone who has a troubling or serious amount of anxiety or tension, or whether any of these signs persist for two weeks or longer, may contact a mental care provider or behavioral health specialist.

4. Personal time

Nobody will stay for their families 24/7 together for weeks on end. We just require time alone to replenish our strength and to keep our thoughts calm.

How can you have time alone because one will leave the house or the flat? Be frank among yourself.

If you need time alone, let your family know — before you lose your patience.

Start preparing twice a day, because everybody has time alone. Allowing space, you can go and read in numerous spaces, use the phone, sleep, nap or just sit still.

When you are operating from home, be sure that your family members realize when you can’t be bothered, when you need to be silent and when they do need someone to communicate to you.

5. Using apps to communicate with others: Chatting to loved ones while in solitude will help to relieve distress and boredom rates. There are a number of ways to keep in contact with people in today’s modern world, including television, web, text and social networking. Platforms for video calling for face-to-face connections from the comfort of your home. Playing games with friends and family online may also provide an enjoyable way to feel linked. You can also subscribe to best IPTV to watch movies, documentaries etc.


  • Gail Green



    Interior designer/decorator and founder of Gail Green Interiors.