Dear friend,
We all indeed have a story to tell about how this year has been. No one was prepared for a situation that has had such an impact on our lives, and livelihood. We woke to a whole new world – one in which we had to create a distance between ourselves and the people and things we love. ‘Social (physical) distancing’, ‘pandemic’ and ‘face masks’ became the new buzzwords. We were urged to stay home and stay safe. And we tried. We found new ways of connecting, of being a support system to others, of being human.

In the very trying circumstances, and with the fears and anxieties that set in, we may be tempted to count only our losses. Yes, some of us lost loved ones, friends, and even let go of very lofty plans and ambitions. Some plans even failed, but we’re here. We have this moment. And it presents an opportunity for us to count our gains – to be grateful for the family that we’ve got, for friends, for growth, for strength, for hope, for life, and for an opportunity to draw our hearts nearer to the things that really matter.
Even though this Christmas season may not look like the ones before it, the message is still the same. The message of love, peace, hope, and joy. May these blessings stay with you and your family in this season, and in the years to come.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a prosperous new year.