Millennials are a powerful generation that is now actively discovering and taking over the world of working adults. Employers were waiting for Generation Y to enter the market while Millennials possess extremely valuable skills, both soft and hard, that no other generation has. For instance, they speak native digital and understand the customer perfectly because they are active consumers themselves.
However, they are not that easy to recruit and retain. Millennials have quite high demands regarding the workplace. If they can not develop themselves professionally and personally in a certain position, they are likely to not take the job offer into consideration or leave the place as soon as they feel the atmosphere.
Wellness can help you to make the workplace much more attractive for millennials and decrease the chance they will give up their position to work for another employer.
With no further ado, here are 5 main principles of work for millennials, knowing which can help you recruit and retain them as great workers.
Happiness over Pay
The question that many employers are facing is how to keep the millennial happy. It is a common fact that happiness is more valuable for millennials than a good salary. No matter how big the number of their checks is if they are pressured or do not get enough physical activity, they will leave.
Wellness culture is the perfect fit if we are talking about happiness. Exercising has proven to create an endorphin outburst. However, do not forget that it should be not only physical but mental, emotional health as well. If a millennial exercise every day but still did not develop the mechanism of coping with mental issues, the gym visits will go in vain.
Wellness as a Value
Millennials care deeply about company’s values. Do they support social inclusion? Is the protection of the environment a priority? Do they use child labor? A corporation with a purpose not only does better, but it is also more attractive for millennials. Since this generation almost made wellbeing an ideal, you can think that you do have in common at least one value with your future employee.
Increase in Engagement
Good mental and physical health contributes to better results at work. There are no back pains or stress that can decrease the concentration abilities of your millennial which means a great increase in productivity. Productive day keeps a millennial happy and helps them to get the feeling of achievement that they are striving for. It also boosts their chances for promotion which adds up to their satisfaction with the workplace.
There is no need to say that a productive employee is very beneficial to you since more work is done in a shorter period of time.
Convenience Is a Must
There is no need to hide that millennials can get a bit lazy sometimes. They grew up in times when every information they need is on their hands, or in the small phone that they are holding in their hands, to be more precise. Shopping is there too. The person who is going to deliver the result of their shopping is right there as well.
Consequently, they got used to getting everything instantly and without moving around. So if a flu shot is on your wellness program and a corporate gym is just around the corner, a millennial will totally appreciate it.
Way of Team Building
Have you noticed the increase in fitness groups in your neighborhood? Generation Y is to blame. Millennials think about working out together as some kind of socialization, nobody knows why. They can be silent for the whole training but it somehow adds up to their social indicator. Such social activities are also known as a good way to meet people and even boost dating life, therefore more and more millennials highly appreciate an opportunity to join different sports groups and classes.
Moreover, a corporate wellness program means that a lot of people are doing pretty much the same. By that, a millennial gets the feeling of unity with their co-workers. It can also become a good topic to discuss during lunch. “Ugh, the new coach is a real pro” is a good starting point for a conversation that will help a millennial to instantly have something in common with others, if he is new to the team, or keep up the strong bonds with everyone.
A good team is what every boss is looking for since team members can generate better ideas together and don`t waste their time on fights and misunderstandings.
So as we can notice, wellness can help you recruit and retain millennials by:
- adding up to their happiness level
- creating an instant common value
- keeping them engaged and productive
- making their lives more convenient
- building of a strong team
As a result, you can benefit from the corporate wellbeing program as well! Everything hints that it is the time to invest in an interesting and engaging wellbeing program. What are you waiting for then?
About the Author
Sandra Manson is a professional journalist from Des Moines, Iowa. After obtaining her Master’s degree, she’s launched her career and over its course, Sandra was contributing to popular publications and now she develops her blog