For anyone practicing a more holistic way of living and wanting to incorporate wellness into their everyday lives, the workplace can be a difficult place to do so. But, with the increase of employees wanting a more holistic approach to life, over seventy percent of companies have incorporated wellness programs in their yearly workplace initiatives.
The statistics for implementing a wellness program within a company create a significant decrease in medical costs and an increase in mental health awareness and physical health. But, unfortunately, not all of these programs are proving most effective. Luckily, there are some great, easy ways for employees and employers to improve the wellness of themselves and the work environment.
An easy way to increase the wellness of employees in the workplace is by ensuring the correct air quality and circulation in the office. This can be done by utilizing outdoor spaces in your office, doing regular checks on the air conditioning system and strategically placing indoor plants around the office. Since employees spend a large chunk of their lives indoors within their office walls, it’s essential to keep an elevated level of air quality for both mental and physical health.
The furniture within the workplace is essential to your physical health and wellness. Most employees spend their days sitting and staring at computer screens, so when doing so, offer the right types of desks and chairs that will remove the possibilities of neck and back pain, as well as straining eyes. Chairs should support the back so that you aren’t slumping over and the same goes for the placement of armrests. Desks should also sit so that computer screens are hitting at eye level.
Going right along with office furniture is creating a sense of movement within the office. Since humans are not built to sit for long periods of time, add spaces within the office that will help to get people out of their seats and move. Adding daily walks into your routine will also increase physical activity and get people away from their desks and ultimately reduce stress.
Just a few simple adjustments to the office environment can really increase wellness for your employees. Wellness is essential to a happy and healthy lifestyle, and a great place to start is in the workplace.
Originally published at on May 2, 2019.