The coronavirus outbreak did not only wreak havoc on the economic health of nations but also the physical and mental wellness of the public. Furthermore, you can find people increasing talking about quarantine recipes and worrying about their medical condition. However, amidst all this, you must have noticed an interesting thing– the inclination towards self-care. Since the time the infection started, people began indulging in healthy behaviors more than ever. However, the question is – will these habits continue post-pandemic, and what long-term impact will these habits have?
The self-care measures in the time of pandemic and beyond by Martin Polanco
When you talk about health and wellness, you see exercise as an integral part of it. During the lockdown, people have devoted a lot of time to this. Even the fitness industry has said that physical fitness will continue even when gyms are closed and social distancing is the norm. People will take online classes or join virtual community centers for working out and connecting with others. Also, the trend for working out in the household can continue as most people currently work from home.
The stay-at-home orders drove people to seek some time out in the nature parks. During normal time, staying amidst nature may have had a positive affect. But the risk of infection is now a barrier as many parks have shut down after witnessing a surging in infections, while others try to remind people to maintain distance. It can be a healthy habit to pursue if people don’t overcrowd parks and follow health and safety guidelines.
Clinical expert Martin Polanco says people became more conscious about their mental health during periods of isolation. The popularity of mental health apps takes advantage of the current climate. From meditation to deep breathing and mindfulness, you may also have tried one or two of these options. Since mindful breathing can help with sleep, blood pressure, and stress hormone, there is a hope that people will keep up with this habit even after the pandemic is over.
Clean air
With fewer vehicles on the road to closed factories, the air pollutants and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere got reduced. While this may not be a sustainable way to help the environment improve, the pandemic has shown that there is a need to control emissions from transportation, mining, and manufacturing. If achieved, there can be a significant drop in pollution levels, and a more sustainable climate may even help to avoid other pandemics.
Another everyday activity that made its way during lockdown was gardening. People started growing their food to ensure the continuous supply of healthy cooking ingredients. At the same time, it helped them to stay active. In the future, there is a possibility that those who took to gardening will continue to pursue it even after the coronavirus has been controlled.
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has changed everyone’s life and lifestyle choices. But despite the looming uncertainty, the positive outlook and healthy habits that have been formed can be signs to be hopeful for. Right now, there is a need to preserve everything that makes us healthy – for our mind, our body, and Mother Earth.