Get real help as you work from home now full-time, as parents with kids, our partners and even roommates all under one roof!
In these most uncertain of times are you being asked to work from home from your employer or from your local government? So we created a live virtual meetup with our ‘communitas’ experts to support you!
We’re certainly living in very strange times with the Covid-19 coronavirus spreading across the globe and social distancing becoming our new norm. For those of us who have worked from home (#WFM) it’s not such a shock but with our kids out of school and spouses and partners also all at home it’s creating a whole new level of real challenges for all of us!
We created this video and our Zen Hustlers #WFM Facebook group to support our ‘communitas’ (aka community) and the professionals who may have never worked from home and/or who are dealing with really challenging circumstances at this moment. This is our evolutionary step.. for us to rise up!
“Communitas, a group of people with an ecstatic sense of unity. A feeling that tightens social bonds and ignites enduring passion – the kind that let’s us come together to plan, organize, and tackle great challenges!”
Victor Turner, Anthropologist at University of Chicago
We’re continuing to share ideas, experiences, tips, strategies for work from home productivity and ideas to support you… remember you are not alone! Our video guest hosts (whom are all parents) included a top Bay Area yoga teacher who now teaches exclusively online, a global co-working entrepreneur and community leader, a video entrepreneur and myself a media marketing professional. Collectively, we have all worked successfully from home for decades now! Plus, for the parents involved we mention how to deal with kids with homeschooling responsibilities, creating boundaries for our partners spouses and others now all at home with us.
If you’re hungry for community, additional #WFH accountability, new work strategies, and an overall connection to other people working from home please watch the video above and join us on Facebook and download our free work from home support strategies guide here.
Created by Jared Brick
Brick House Media Co • Zen Hustlers • Blockchain Media