So when we are not in that state of mental Memory Rejuv Review health that we defined above, it’s because something happened to us, an event that we processed through our energy system, but it got stuck along the way. Maybe it was too big to handle for a young energy system. So there it stayed, that energy forever attached to the thought or memory of that event, held in the energy body, at the physical location that we can feel, when we recall it. And life continues to happen, events upon events, stored causing further blockage and behaviors that arise from these blockages because somewhere along the way, the support wasn’t there to help that person process and release those events in life. So growth and learning didn’t happen. Nourishment of the spirit to bring confidence and strength didn’t happen.

Furthermore a blocked energy system, has reduced ability to process future events, coping ability is impaired. We emotionally react. Eventually the discomfort of handling life can be so great that disconnection is required, numbing out the feelings and ongoing pressure leads to depression.

Now that we have energy release techniques in the growing field of energy psychology, such as EFT, EmoTrance, TAT and more, we can locate and release the blockage, restore the flow, and heal the energy system. Once more in flow, the state of health returns. We feel relaxed and free, we see clearly from a new perspective, we have new resources we didn’t have before for this situation. We have learned and grown. We are back to mental emotional and spiritual health.

We can do this for all life events that got stuck in processing through the energy system and these techniques allow us to release the energy without having to talk about these events over and over again.So, energy healing, also called healing the spirit, is a key to facilitating mental healing.Why Come on a Retreat for Mental Healing?By the time a person is depressed, suffering chronic anxiety, has low confidence and self esteem, is numb or disconnected, there is a lot of life events stored in the energy system that need releasing.
