Have you ever wished for more time in your life?

Time to pursue your deepest, most secret dreams? Now is that time. The Universe has provided many of us with the opportunity to stay home, reflect and begin working on what we really want to be doing for our soul, humanity and the planet.

Creating time to delve into deep meditation, remove our focus and awareness from fear, doubt and the media, both social and news, we get to connect with our spirit and the voice within us that seeks expression. 

What is it that you have always wanted to do and dared not? Is it writing, painting, acting, gardening, design, etc? The choice is endless. With time being home, carve out a bit of it for yourself and your family. If you’re home with children, discover the kernels of longing within yourself and your loved ones. Explore and have fun with this. Then create projects for yourself and them around their dreams and desires. 

Now is the time to create wonder and move away from fear and anxiety. Now is the time to grow and expand your conscious awareness together with your family. Now is the time to begin to create a world of genuine wonder and magic again. 

If you’re not sure how,  sit quietly, close your eyes and ask your intuitive heart, “What is it my soul longs for?”

Gently, lovingly and patiently wait for the answer. It will be revealed


  • Elly Molina

    Intuitive Advisor, Author & Educator

    Elly Molina, Amazon Best Selling author, international Advisor to Public Figures, Celebrities, Business Professionals & trusted mentor is the creator of MindPower Consulting and Psi-Kids. She is a leading expert in developing psychic and intuitive abilities in children and co-founded a magic school in Washington State, She is the author of Children Who Know How to Know; Annabelle and the Domino and contributing author to the amazon best seller, Dancing in the Unknown.  You can learn more about her and her work at:  www.ellymolina.com