Thousands of employees can relate to feeling under-appreciated or feeling as though their job isn’t fulfilling. This lack of fulfillment can be a result of a chaotic work environment, poor communication between colleagues or even favoritism displayed by management. When it comes to the employees’ needs, many times they are not met which can translate to poor quality of work, unproductive work ethic, tension among peers and much more. By giving employees what they need and want, leaders can build stronger connections with their workers and also receive a better quality service from their employees.
Employees want to trust their leaders when it comes to job assignments and judgment calls. Leaders should be decisive when making a decision and when communicating. Indecision can lead to doubts and confusion. Employees need to have confidence in their leader and also maintain the belief that their leaders are guiding them in the right direction.
Emotional Support
Although work is usually a formal setting, employees are still people who experience dilemmas in their personal lives. While it’s considered professional to put emotions aside for the sake of completing a job, employees want to have the freedom to express their feelings. Leaders should encourage open and transparent communication. Empathy will go a long way as trust is built between leader and employee.
Mentoring and Effective Communication
Being a leader isn’t just about being served. It is also very much about being of service to others, even those individuals that work for their leaders. Leaders should always see their employees and teammates to work with. This distinguishes a leader from a boss. A boss delegates tasks and tells people to do a job. A leader is willing to work with their employees and show them how to do a job. Employees greatly appreciate when their leaders take the time to mentor them through a task. Having additional support and guidance will strengthen their self-efficacy, making them more confident in their capability as well as competence.
Employees want appreciation most. Leaders should strive to give recognition to their employees. This can be done through salary increases, bonuses, certificates of appreciation or other creative ways to show employees that their efforts are taken into consideration. Showing appreciation will make employees feel more valued, giving them even more incentive to do their best at their job.
This article was originally published at