I recently heard about a survey that was done with some high-profile leaders. They were asked to answer the question “What is the most important thing you do every day?” Now, when we think about that question, we might expect that their answers would include things like having a regimented morning ritual, utilizing an unexpected productivity habit, or perhaps a consistent exercise routine to decrease stress. However, the overwhelming answer of these leaders was that the most important thing they do every day is spend 30 minutes doing something to invest in themselves.
Isn’t that interesting? High-capacity leaders have found that the most important thing they can do is to spend time investing in themselves their development, their peace of mind, whatever is important to them. That resonated with me.
We are all multi-talented, multi-faceted people, and it’s important for our well-being and our success as leaders to recognize and nurture those parts of ourselves that bring us to life, that reenergize us, that make us think, that relax us, that do for you whatever it is you need.
I, like half of the population during the pandemic, put on a few pounds. OK, more than a few, about 10% of my body weight! So what I needed was to carve out time every day to focus on my health. I changed my calendar app to not allow people to book time before 10am. That allows me to exercise (in some fashion) every morning. It took a year, but I got off all those extra pounds and a few more. I invested in me every day.
So when I was asked to contribute to the new app 5 Minutes for Me, it was an easy yes. I loved the idea of people investing 5 minutes in themselves and the app giving one mechanism for doing that. My topic… the need for Connection of course! The app features 5-Minute Audios with tips and wisdom for wellness from a wide range of professionals.
How you invest in yourself is up to you and it can be different every day. One day could be a meditation app, and the next is a learning app, I love the master classes and listening to audio books when I walk.
I suppose the answer all these leaders gave shouldn’t surprise me. The 7th habit of Stephen Covey’s list is to sharpen the saw. Shake up your day to day with a little you time.
What will you do to invest in yourself? Five minutes is just the start!