Everyone is already living a life as an ordinary human being. One is born, then acquires education, works, gets married, becomes a parent, then a grandparent, and finally, goes to the bier. Could this be the only order of life? What is the purpose of living a life like this? To people who want to tread on a spiritual path and make the best of their human life, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan suggests ‘Practice Humanity!’
Liberation is the end goal of any spiritual path
Dadashri says, “Humanity is not liberation. But after a person comes within the bounds of humanity, the preparations to attain liberation begin. Otherwise, liberation is not an easy thing to attain.”
Absolutely Revered Dadashri, through spiritual discourses, has given a beautiful understanding of how humankind can begin to progress in their own practice of humanity, “What is the practice of humanity? I will tell you a little. It is a very broad thing, but let’s discuss some of it. In brief, you should not be instrumental in hurting any human being. Leave aside the issue of hurting other animals, but if you take care of humans alone such that, ‘I absolutely should not be instrumental in hurting anyone,’ then that is the practice of humanity.”
The definition of humanity should be decided based upon one’s own self.

‘I do not like it when someone hurts me, so I should not hurt anyone’ – the one for whom this principle has come into application in every interaction of his life, has achieved complete humanity. If you are causing harm to someone else, at that moment, you would have the thought, ‘I am causing harm to someone else, but how would I feel if someone caused harm to me?’ The practice of humanity means to give to others whatever you like, and to not give to others what you do not like. You do not like it when someone slaps you, so you should not slap anyone. You do not like it when someone swears at you, so you should not swear at others. Do you conduct yourself like this or not?
If you were to find fifteen thousand rupees in a bundle of one hundred rupee notes on the street, you would think, ‘If I had lost this much money, then how much pain would I feel? So how much pain must this person be feeling?’ So you place an advertisement in the newspaper that, ‘The person who has lost money, please claim it with proof of ownership and reimburse the cost of running this advertisement.’ And if it does not work out, then you should make good use of that money in any way, but do not keep it for yourself.
Peace is the result of practicing humanity
When people are wrapped up in their own selfishness only; that is not humanity. Misery is due to this! People say, “Whatever has been found is free for me to keep, isn’t it!” Well then, what you have lost is also free for the other person to keep, isn’t it! Just as you feel pain, the other person may also feel pain; you can understand this much, can’t you! Such thoughts must arise in you in every situation. To place yourself in the shoes of others is called humanity. When one conducts himself in such a manner, then whatever happiness one has, does not leave, it does not decrease; on the contrary it increases manifold. One who wants to tread on the spiritual path should at least know how to practice this much humanity.
If you happen to return it (the lost and found), then you will come across someone who will return that which belongs to you. If you do not return it, then how will that which is yours be returned to you? Therefore, you should change your level of (spiritual) development.
I am happy when others are happy!
People are preoccupied with their own happiness. The entire concept of, ‘My happiness arises from giving happiness to others!’ has started to disappear. Instead, one says, “I got my cup of tea, so I am happy.” If we give happiness to others, then we will keep getting happiness. And if we maintain the worldly interaction to give pain, then we will receive pain in worldly interactions. Therefore, if we want happiness, then give happiness to everyone, and if we want pain, then give pain.
To stop hurting others is humanity
The practice of humanity means that whatever you do not like, you should not do to others. While hurting someone, the thought should arise in the mind, ‘How would I feel if I were the one being hurt? As much pain as I feel, he too must be feeling the same?’ If such a thought arises, that is within the practice of humanity.
The practice of humanity differs for each person. A person’s practice of humanity depends on the level of his or her development. Live in such a way that what hurts you does not hurt others. It is more than enough if you practice just this much. In this Kalyug, if people practice this much humanity, then they deserve the seal of approval to attain liberation.
For how long is the life-form as a human retained?
Before hitting someone, awareness must arise, ‘How would I feel if I was to be hit?’ First and foremost, this awareness should arise; only then will humanity prevail, otherwise it cannot prevail. If all actions are done with this in mind, then the human life-form will be attained again.
A person will attain whichever life-form he desires. And if he desires liberation (moksha), then he will attain liberation. To tread on the spiritual path leading to liberation, human lifeform is important
The first sign of practicing humanity is this…
The moment someone swears at me, before swearing back at that person, in my mind I have the thought, ‘If this has caused me so much pain, then if I swear at him, how much pain will he feel!’ If one admits this and concedes, then a resolution will come about. There is no law that the other person has to behave a certain way. If you maintain the consideration, ‘May no one experience inconvenience on my account,’ then your work is done!
The practice of humanity begins from this point. As the intent, ‘Just as I feel pain, others also feel pain’ develops, the unity between people will increasingly develop. The practice of spirituality in its entirety means unity with every living being. This will then happen naturally.
If humanity is practiced properly, then liberation can be attained in no time
Gnani Purush means One who has realized the Self and also are able to help others attain Self-Realization. Gnanis help people become like them. They become free, and thereafter bestow upon us the Knowledge to become free and get liberated.
They show us the path by teaching us how true practice of humanity lies in our pure, sincere intent of not a single living being should be hurt even to the slightest extent. Even if someone hurts you, you should not. You maintain equanimity that is befitting of a human being.
To get to that state, Gnani says, practice two things:
- Every morning, sincerely and lovingly pray to God, “May no living being be caused any hurt through my thoughts, words or actions.”
- Every night, before you go to sleep, close your eyes and recollect who all got hurt because of you. For each instance, again pray to God, “Dear God! I made such and such mistake. Please forgive me and grant me enormous strength so that I do not do this mistake again.”
When you meet the living Gnani, attain Self-Realization!
When we come to know about the inherent function of the Self (Soul), then eternal happiness will prevail. And under the guidance of Gnani and by adherence to Gnani’s words, treading on the spiritual path and reaching our final destination will become easy and effortless.