Back in January it was simpler times… we had no idea what Furlough meant…and honestly we were still calling COVID-19 a brand of beer…how naive we were!
So while the majority of us try to come to terms with the overnight removal of everything we took for granted we wanted to give you an idea of what furlough is, what you can and cannot do….and why this may not be such a bad idea after all…
Since lockdown I have heard so many people say that while the tragedy of death and solitude is not something to take lightly, a lot of of us are in fact now experiencing a different world….which has made them re-evaluate what they hold dear.
If the government can just shout ‘Furlough’ and change the rule books…then surely we can do the same for our careers?
But first, things first:
What does Furlough mean?
Bought over from the USA, a ‘furloughed’ worker may be kept on their employers payroll and paid 80% of their salary (up to £2,500 a month) if the current crisis has left their company unable to operate or without work for them to do.
Can I ask to be put on Furlough cause I am sick?
Afraid not – you can be put on statutory sick pay (in the UK) but you cannot be ‘furloughed’. You will need to have this conversation with your employer and see if you can come to an arrangement.
Do I still get taxed on my income?
Yes – all normal taxes you were paying before applies.
Will I still get paid into my account like normal?
Yes – you will be paid your 80% via your companies payroll and your employer will need to recoup this from the government. Unless your employer cannot afford to pay you – in which you need to have this conversation ASAP and find out when they can make the payment.
Can I accept temporary work elsewhere?
Yes you can as long as it isn’t with the company where you have been furloughed. Taking work at the supermarket is absolutely fine.
Can I still work for my original employer if they ask me to?
Technically, your employer can ask you to come back to work and take you off furlough but if you work for your employer WHILE on furlough leave it can affect your payment so make sure you get all the details from your employer before you agree to anything.
So while you sit on Furlough now is the perfect time to start thinking about your career – if you are happy…GREAT! but if not, now is the perfect time to look at the CV, Start looking at what your career really means to you and let’s start creating a new future!
To start with, use my ‘Make Work Great Again’ Cheat-sheet and lets re-ignite your passion for your career.
Hope this has given you a quick overview on the do’s and dont’s – we will add to the hub as more information comes in but also get in touch and tell us what you want to know.
Winning in Work is here for you throughout the COVID Crisis on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and in The Winning in Work COVID Hub.