Sam Taggart has been knocking doors since he was eleven years old. Coming from a family of businessmen and women, Sam began his career painting curbs. Quickly rising to the top, Sam had a profitable business of $100,000 before he graduated high school. After serving a 2-year mission with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Sam stepped into the Home Automation industry where his career skyrocketed. 

As a successful, competitive door knocker, Sam sold over 400 alarm accounts making a bold statement in the industry that college wasn’t the only answer to having a successful career that could financially take care of his family. After his accomplishments, he decided to take his career to the next level by switching to the Solar industry and becoming the VP of Sales. Being VP of Sales was great; however, while building the business he learned some basic fundamentals that were missing across the industry and felt inspired to create something bigger. 

Against all advice, Sam pursued his passion to Unify, Up-level and Bring Honor and Integrity to the door to door space. Not having any idea how he’d build the business, he quickly joined forces with his sister Abigail Ayres, and they went to work. Together, they created, built and launched D2D Con (Door to Door Conference) locking in over 25 vendors and 900 attendees their first year. Many people in the industry mocked Sam for his idea, not really understanding his vision or if he’d actually do it. Year one of his conference he even had a friendly fire, but that didn’t stop Sam from pursuing his mission. Here He is 4 years later, 3000 attendees from all over the USA, Canada and England and over 85 vendors. 

Sam had no idea when he stepped out of the Home Automation and Solar Industry, that 4 years later he would have a Million Dollar Company, his dream job, with his dream team, and his dream house, marking off several of his “bucket list” items all by the time he turned 30. Over the last 4 years, Sam has added many products and services to his company. Originally creating a sales conference to neutrally train and up level all industries, Sam discovered the industry was calling for more. He trusted his intuition and created a white label virtual training platform, business consulting service, business bootcamps and coaching services. 

Through Sam’s experience he has learned that many people are skilled at sales, but many companies don’t have systems and processes to assist in supporting their sales representatives. In order for Sam to achieve his goal of Unifying, Up leveling and Bringing Honor and Integrity to the door to door space, he saw his vision needed to be much larger and expanding was necessary. Speaking engagements taking him all over the United States, he quickly saw a need that wasn’t being met and began to fill it. 

In today’s world with COVID-19 rapidly spreading, causing many businesses to go virtual and shifting the entire sales industry as we once knew it, Sam has quickly adapted and is teaching people all over the world how to virtually sell and connect. He is also training many businesses on how to keep their doors open and sales flowing.

Now, more than ever, Sam is clear on one thing, “I will never let anything hold me back from taking committed action to achieve my goals.” Sam continues to say: “I will continue to adapt and leverage my sales skills to innovate, contribute, unify and inspire people across the world. My mission is being fulfilled on a daily basis as more and more people see what we are building and why and how it can apply to their business. It’s not just door to door sales, it’s business in general.”  

Sam trains thousands of individuals and hundreds of companies, sharing tips and tricks on Sales, Recruiting, Training and Leadership development. Sam is an Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Consultant, husband and father to 3 beautiful girls. To follow this entrepreneur’s journey on Instagram, click here.


  • Sofia Vargas

    Senior Associate

    Now Strategies Group

    Sofia Vargas is a senior associate at Now Strategies Group, a hybrid PR agency. Their diverse client base include top class entrepreneurs, public figures, influencers, and celebrities.