For many, working for a nonprofit seems like an excellent way to earn some extra cash while doing some good in their community. However, once they start working at a nonprofit isn’t all they thought it would be. Here are a few important things to consider prior to accepting a job with a nonprofit company.
Employees Won’t Change the World Every Single Day
Working for a nonprofit isn’t glamorous and life-changing every day. In fact, many days can be full of boring and monotonous phone calls, paperwork, and conflict resolution. Depending on a person’s role at the nonprofit, they may never even see the front lines or the impact of their work. However, it’s important to remember that even if they don’t feel it, they’re making a positive impact in their community.
Ensure Fair Treatment
Many assume that working at a nonprofit means that everyone is kind and they will be treated as they should. However, the reality is that, just as with every workplace, the mistreatment of employees still happens. Employees may be overlooked, underappreciated, or mistreated just as easily at a nonprofit as anywhere else.
Adopt Appropriate Salary Expectations
Nonprofits are notorious for offering poor salaries and benefits. Especially at small nonprofit start-ups, salaries tend to be lower than average with a person’s specialty or degree.
Prior to beginning at a nonprofit, it’s important to have appropriate salary expectations and budget accordingly. If a person’s dream is to work for a nonprofit, then it can most certainly be done. They may just have to be more aware of spending and wisely distribute their income.
However, it’s also important to remember that even low salaries at a nonprofit can be negotiated. Those who feel they bring important expertise to a team can still argue for a better salary if they feel they deserve it.
Although working for a nonprofit is typically an excellent way to invest in a community and its members, there are also a variety of things to remember when working for one. Keeping in mind appropriate expectations for daily tasks and salary while ensuring fair treatment can help employees to adjust to their new workplace and career.