The best leaders are those who lead by example, take a genuine interest in the wellbeing of their workers and have a clear vision for the future, says Georges Chahwan. They can communicate this vision to others while maintaining a professional demeanor even during difficult times. A good leader also has excellent interpersonal skills with an ability to inspire confidence in their ideas among peers and subordinates alike.
A good leader is always learning about themselves through self-reflection. This is done by understanding how they respond to conflict, setbacks, and pressure under fire. Self-awareness goes beyond that though; recognizing when to change tactics or abandon them entirely is integral to growth as well. Leaders should also surround themselves with smart people capable of challenging them intellectually; this fosters innovation and creativity which are the foundations of any great leader.
A great leader knows how to take advantage of their authority without appearing arrogant or abusive. This means taking responsibility for problem-solving rather than deferring to others, communicating your ideas clearly and enthusiastically, and being aware of the moods in the room so you can adjust accordingly. A good leader also has a high emotional intelligence capable of understanding others well enough to know how best to interact with them to get the desired outcome, adds Georges Chahwan. These are just some examples but there are many more qualities that define what it takes to be considered a good leader.