Indecision is worse than a bad decision. Some people are so hung up on making a bad decision, making a mistake, or never being able to recover from a mistake that they just allow themselves to stay stuck. This is the absolute worst thing that you can do. Read on to understand why so you can begin to break your bad habit.
Why Being Indecisive Is Not Beneficial
Ultimately, by delaying making a decision you’re just not making one and not changing anything. To a professional coach, this is one of the worst things that you can do because it means staying stuck. It also means that you have to take responsibility for keeping yourself there. And if you refuse to do so, then you’re not coachable or growth-minded.
It also harms your confidence because you’re training your mind and brain not to trust your instincts, thoughts, or if you made a decision- to stick with it. Rather, you would second-guess yourself instead. If your self-confidence already needs work, then the best thing you can do is to make a decision and stick with it.
Ask yourself what’s worse, Fear or Failure? Making a mistake isn’t the end of the world. It’s a normal and expected part of life. The point isn’t to avoid making a mistake, the point is to always learn and grow from it. Perfection is abnormal and will keep you seizing your potential in life and your career. If you don’t try something new then how do you know it won’t work? You do not have any proof either way. This is why it’s best to just try new things rather than to constantly fear them and play it safe.
Are you going to reach major career goals by playing it safe? No, you won’t. So, how about trying a new viewpoint?
Is Hindsight Always 20/20?
I am sure that you’ve heard that saying, however, does it hold any truth? It’s really all about your point of view. A good decision today could be a bad decision tomorrow and vice-versa. For example, leaving your job can provide immediate stress relief and the results you were seeking but in the long-term, it’s a bad decision because it leads to an increased level of difficulty in securing the next position, a decrease in self-confidence, a financial loss, etc. You may have felt that you when you made the decision it was a good one and then when you’re struggling to find the next position, you decide it was actually a bad one. However, it provides you with the ability to assess the situation to decide what you could have done better and how you could have made a better choice. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t stop trusting your instincts or judgment and stay stuck.
Making A Decision Is Freeing
Making a clear choice and sticking with it- is so freeing. This is the best way to get the issue off of your plate and deal with it head-on. If something is on your mind, then you need to make a decision about it and be happy with your choice. And remember, not making a decision, is essentially doing nothing. So, when something is on your mind, make a clear choice and write it down. By doing so, you’re already holding yourself accountable.
Decision-Making Skills Are a Habit
If you have difficulty making decisions about small things, then it is more than likely that you have difficulty making decisions about big things as well. This is because decision-making is a habit like anything else. If you don’t start practicing making small, quick, firm decisions, then you’re practicing not making a decision at all by default. By consistently making small, quick decisions, you will be able to face the tougher ones with more resolve.
Your Career Requires Resolve
Our careers can require that we make some tough choices. So, what happens when we fall down the rabbit hole of constant indecisiveness?
- It becomes someone else’s choice. By defaulting your choices to someone else or letting their thoughts drown out yours, you are letting them make a decision for you. This includes your partner or spouse. If you’re doing this, stop, and think about you want your career look like in a few months, a couple of years, ten years. What do you need to do? No one else is responsible for your job but yourself so it isn’t right that they make this decision, either.
- You’re letting fear win. Fear wins because people are indecisive out of making a bad decision. What’s the worst thing that happens if you make a choice? What’s the best thing?
- It’s an excuse. For some, it’s just a cop-out from actually making a decision. Sadly, this will keep you in a mediocre lifestyle with an unfulfilling career because it feels familiar and safe.
So, if you’re feeling the urge to be indecisive- resist it. Start small, trust your gut, train your brain, and grow your confidence by establishing that you do, in fact, have excellent decision-making skills. And if you make a mistake, learn from it. Perfection is ideal and shouldn’t be a standard for your life.