What You Win When You Overcome Your Fears & the Pressures of Society
Dealing with your own fears, the environment, and the pressures of society is a daunting task for any individual. In fact, facing anything you have no control over is a truly terrifying feat. Doing so requires more than action, you have to possess a positive outlook, a strong mindset, and great willpower. Although it sounds difficult and mind-boggling, it is not impossible.
Many people all over the world with different contexts have experienced the frustration of conforming to the unreasonable standards of society, such as living a lifestyle they can’t afford or advocating for a cause they don’t support. This is because they want to have a sense of belonging, but the affirmation and acceptance of others do not equate to your worth as a human being, especially if you are living a lie. Only you can allow yourself to feel worthy and this can be done when you actualize your authentic self.
One step at a time
Having lived in various regions of the world, I have seen many things. Despite being exposed to several cultures, I was always dreaming of stepping out of what society thinks you should do, such as going on an adventure and traveling, and I did in small amounts. For years I was struggling with my happiness, I was restless and experienced light depressions. I kept fighting but it was tiring. In 2012, I took a ten-day silent meditation course, which helped me to address my internal turmoils and to open-up. This was a huge step for me since I closed off from all my feelings due to sensitivity I have developed since I was 12 and at 21, I suffered a massive eating addiction and became obese wherein no one could recognize me. In 2016, I was left bereaved due to the death of my father who had cancer for many years This was one of the toughest times I had to undergo and I fell into a deep hole, but nevertheless, I did not let this break me, especially after all the work I put in myself.
I worked as a full-time headhunter for a startup in the Netherlands wherein I managed to close deals and was successful in the field. But again, I knew that something was missing, and this is not how I wanted to live. The dreams of my younger self of scuba diving and traveling were sparked. Hence, I negotiated a three-month sabbatical from my company. Coming back in the office in April 2018, I was officially an Open Water Scuba Instructor, but I had to face the reality of working in the corporate world once again. I was assigned to manage a new desk and a small team, but within two months I finally came to terms with myself and decided that enough is enough. I knew I was no longer happy with my job, so I contacted a friend in Rhodes Greece that owned a scuba school and I was on my way. I worked there for two seasons and gave up living a comfortable life, but I loved it.
In December 2019, I felt that I should leave, and on my way back to the Netherlands, the idea to start my own business struck me. I wanted to help other people face their fears and live their lives to the fullest. Out of their comfort zones is where I make people shine! I found myself a mentor in January of 2020 and within six months I launched my first training and clients and was on my way. I started a Podcast earlier that same year: The Cheering with Birgit Podcast.
The Cheering with Birgit Podcast
With the proliferation of traditional media content and social media posts depicting the most sought-after lifestyles, it is easy to be fooled that this is also how you should live your life. But, this shouldn’t be the case. If you’re having trouble conquering your fears, then it is apparent that you need help and I am here to provide you guidance.
Currently, I am launching season two of The Cheering with Birgit Podcast, which will be out in the public on the 1st of March. Season one of the podcast contains motivational speeches and a detailed story of my life to inspire you to reach for your dreams and genuine happiness in life. You can subscribe to my podcast on six different platforms. Once you subscribe, which takes 30 seconds, you can pick your preferred platform to listen immediately (Spotify, Apple, Overcast, etc.) to my inspirational stories and motivational advice that will help you overcome the pressures of society and the pressures you put on yourself.
Subscribe to the podcast via www.subscribepage.com/cwbpodcast
Website: https://[email protected]
LinkedIn Personal: https://www.linkedin.com/in/birgityegulalp/
LinkedIn Company: https://www.linkedin.com/company/65152709
Pinterest: https://nl.pinterest.com/cheeringwithbirgit/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwR5GMXm1T9mJ5_VbrhHmqA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheeringwithbirgit/