During my childhood days, it was about stamp and coin collection, watching ornamental fish in the aquarium and going for movies with parents.
Later when I entered the teens, it was about bunking classes and watching movies with friends.
I felt like I have ‘matured’ enough and was too shy about going to movies with parents. ?
During college days I became brand conscious and happiness was about wearing Louis Philippe, Van Heusen and the likes.
Later due to some unexpected turn of events, I had to return from Bangalore to my hometown to take care of my dad.
Though it might seem like a burden to many, I never felt so and feel blessed to get such an opportunity. ❤️
At this point in time, if you ask me I find happiness in being back to my hometown.
While writing this blog, I am quite happy it as gives me immense joy in writing. ✍️
According to me, happiness is doing what you REALLY want to do and what you are passionate about.
Waiting to hear what makes you happy.