When The Going Gets Tough

Covid-19 changed the way we live, work, shop and relate to one another. It’s time for new coping – and survival! – skills.

For many of us, life as we know it came to a standstill. Worse, some of us are confronted by existential survival issues. Losing a job is tough. Not receiving unemployment benefits for months is depressing. Bills go unpaid. Stress is compounding. We miss seeing faces and smiles. We miss casual conversations. We stopped hugging friends. We wear “diapers” on our faces. (For the record: I am facial coverings supporter!) For many depression, fear, sleeplessness and feelings of isolation are becoming all-consuming. STOP!

The Covid-19 pandemic is scary and shocking to us all. BUT the challenge of having to survive a disaster (of one kind or another) isn’t. Some of us may have personal experience to draw upon. For the rest of us, there is history.

Think of old Westerns or “Little House On The Prairie”! Once upon a time, there was the Wild West. The settlers had to provide for all their needs themselves. There were no stores, no doctors, no dentists, no jobs. Hello! And yet, the new arrivals to the American Frontier didn’t perish, didn’t just survive, but thrived. How come?

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

We are the descendants of the tough. And now, it’s our turn to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. So, what did I do? After some consideration, I became an Accidental Pioneer. Lucky me, I look good in a cowboy hat and have a nice collection of Stetsons.

Under normal conditions, I’m an ex-journalist, published author and health coach who strives to live green but still eats for comfort. Under current circumstances, I’ve decided to make the stuff I’ve been making for my own tribe’s use for years, available to all!

I’m utilizing my know-how as well as my Handmade and Homemade skills to provide Handmade Self-Care, Handmade Apothecary, Handmade Greeting Cards and Homemade Comfort Food…. Online.

So, gather your credit cards and head on to AccidentalPioneer.com! Shop till you drop; there is plenty there and more still to come! Got a specific need? Contact the Pioneer, you never know: pioneers have the know-how and are accommodating.
(If you’re lucky and live in San Fernando Valley, you could even order a decadent – and highly addictive! – Tiramisu or carrot cake delivered to your house!) Don’t stop there: alert your family and friends of the Accidental Pioneer lifeline! Express your opinion, review products, share on social media. What the heck, link to AccidentalPioneer.com from your Website! (Think of “Little House On The Prairie”, again: in time of crisis the community stands, TOGETHER!)
No, the above isn’t a shameless plug. I’m determined to survive. And enterprising.

Are YOU lost because of the pandemic? Awaken your pioneer within! We all have some underutilized talents. Helplessness is disabling. Taking action is empowering.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: “What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

He was right. We survived worse. We’ll survive the Covid-19 pandemic, also. We shall overcome: YOU, too! (And perhaps, with your support, so will I.)


  • Sturm Enrich

    Survivor, Thinker and Author

    I am a journalist, blogger and author. I’m passionate about personal development, healthy living, environmental issues, tolerance and ethics. (My articles on these topics are published by notable magazines and Websites.) I’m also Reverend Enrich, an ordained Humanist Minister since 2006 and the Founder of Holistic Church, a Church built on values, NOT beliefs. My calling is helping people live their best lives and building a supportive community based on shared values.