You are knowing what you are wanting. Is your desire and your habit in sync? When you want something it is good to focus on all of the yummy details that go along with that. It feels good to be in good vibrational patter with it. It is easy to get hooked on something you can see but the idea is to see it by feeling it in order to line up with it much easier. It is even though it is not physically in front of you.

You will not be practicing the absence or lack of vibration and your life will be fulfilled on all levels. Like attracts like isn’t that true? You need’t beat yourself up over this. You are probably beating yourself up wanting and desiring things. It is easier to let it unfold in vibration. Everything is everything. When you feel life it is easier to get in tune with the universe.

When you know something you know it and there is no denying it. It is more than a gut reaction or feeling. You are it. You cannot place yourself in the company of someone who does not love or at least respect you because the universe will send you more of it. No one wants more of that but there is a lot of that going on. It is a habit maybe it is one that you had in your life energy and your karma is to break it. No more Groundhog Days.

Recognize it for what it is. Plant the seed that vibrates and produces love. Too realize when you are vibrating in such a good dynamic these other kinds of lower or more non constructive vibrating people will be attracted to you and are drawn into you. But it does not mean you need to pick them up and take them into you again. There are all kinds of processes to help you to let go of this old habit energy.

Focus on happy not struggling. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Hang on Friday is coming. Struggling to fix it? Just let the focus go it will subside. Then pick up the happy again. Take the light in and demonstrate it. A perfect vibrational match to what you are feeling. A vibrational version to what you are feeling. A you cooperating with your vibrational vortex? You want it then you don’t want it, you want it then you don’t want it, oh and then you want something else, and something else altogether different again. What would it be like to be able to stand back and look at your own energy? Does it flow, does it rise and fall, does it look like a hurricane ensuing most of the time. The frequencies need to match up. Simplify. Less is more in this condition. The things you want are easiest to flow in your direction when they do not have to duck the winds, the cow and the trailer in your wind.

Duct tape will happen. The vibration of duct tape and things breaking down and hospital tape happen.A better and better thing can happen and that is you picking your vibrational patterns more effectively and more focused, and more consistently. It means too that you may have to toss out some items that get in the way of the on occasion in order to be able to walk in wholeness and effortlessly. We all know people around us who live the roller coaster ride and love to drag the people around them onto it. They insist you get involved in their rampage of vibration. The television,the radio, the internet also has people and stories who seriously fly in and out of the coop all day and night long. The belief is that they have thought, enough thoughts like it that it is habit vibration. Everything in their life is coming as a response of the vibration that is that person.

A nice spring rain of gratitude. When you are in the gentle pattern of vibrating unconditional love for all, the thought of “let me pull my hair out and your hair out now” can be let go of. To be able to come into alignment with the pattern in which nothing matters so intensely. You didn’t come to figure it all out, you didn’t come to tell everyone what you figured out. Isn’t enough to just be here to live and pull your energy back into you and into the nice row boat. We like to make our being crazy over what is my duty while we are here. It feels good not to have that thought on my plate today. It feels good not to be in the kitchen on my stove and to have all the pots boiling over the what is in the oven may be burning and about to set fire. Breathe out slowly.

It feels good not to sit through all of the thoughts and just to make this wee little simple pot of tea for me. It easier to let go of all the manic thoughts, and confusion. The thoughts of not proving it and justifying it. The rightness of just being in wellness and not scratch scratch scatching it all out on paper and erasing and being in that vortex and vibration can leave me now. The feelings of responsibility of “forcing it” or “controlling it” is too much monitoring it. It is so much better to just be in life and that balance within. That wellness is the feeling that has been always before us. It is easier that to be searching for that perfect place or space. It is easier to just be in the vibration of the rightness of what is just now.

No one is going to figure it all out right now. It is fun to be with people who feel this way too. It is not a lazy way of being. It is not a vibration of comparing myself to everyone and judging it. I don’t have to call it wrong or call it right. It is just for the contentment of it, for the fun of it. What will you do when you find your space with all this extra space of not worrying, justifying and responsibility? You can play you can have fun there is no blue print that says you must begin in structured life and die in structure feeling incomplete and being viewed not able to do it in someone else’s eyes. Nature wholeness and wellbeing is a relief. It is relief to not have your brain and panties twisted in a knot.

Feeling bored? There are no hoops to jump through and no one to notice if I am jumping through the hoops. It is free. I am free. It is my place and relief vibration. Deconstruction is a good vibration. Whew, now I get to find things that I want to do. I like the openness. I like not having that responsibility of busy or needing to look and be busy for others to consider me. I like realizing that I can hear the call when it comes. I like following now just what feels good. My, me, I just can be free to be tender and gentle. Oh sure I know where the bleach (my hair) is when I need it. But, the feeling of less opinion, less conveyance of words, less comparison, no judgement, that others need so as not to feel awkward in their nervous energy is on the shelf. Too many thoughts, too many words, too many comparisons, too many flags and banners to wave.

Some people come to my apartment and they think it is not enough, not enough stuff in it. “You don’t have anything on the walls, you don’t have tables, you don’t have tables with trinkets and valuables, lamps and shades and stuff that is precious to you and that I might want to envy in here.” I know and I like it that way. I don’t have to dust in maniacal energy or worry about dusting stuff, my precious. I don’t have to worry and mistrust others will steal precious, I don’t have to live in the place of low self-esteem because someone coming over won’t like how I’ve decorated precious. I’m not here to make you envious. I am not that energy, or vibration. Most people don’t care any way they are just curious about who I am and what my energy is because I am happy.

“Well how did you get there?”