I am not who you think I am.I am more than the flesh and bones which carry my soul upon this wayward earth.I am a vessel, an imprint of imagination, desire, holiness and creation begun long ago with my lineage.I am a confluence of generations; of thought and emotion polarized by both my humanity and Divinity.I am a memory long ago borne and not yet created. I am the matrix upon which good and evil flow in balance to teach me humility and gratitude.I am not who you think I am.Nor am I who I perceive myself to be.I am an eternity held in a linear reality until the time my flesh and bones dissolve into nothingness.I am the ‘other’ I see before me every waking moment.I am the creation I stumble upon that only embodies form so I can understand.I am the silence within the chaos. I am the chaos before that silence.I am the grace from which these words flow.I am more than that. And so are you….
Eventually, I will no longer have an interest in wondering who I am.I will no longer have an interest in wondering who you are.We will carry each other as one in the silence of our being, already knowing we are borne of the same love, the same magnificence, the same grace. The silence will show us.