Who Are You?
You are the deepest hole in your mind
You are the loser who is not willing to get up when you fall, but you still do.
You are the longest road to nowhere, but you began somewhere
You are the burden of your greatest fear
You are the friend of your greatest enemy
You are the mystery in all that you know
You are the patience in your tolerance
You are the blame that is forgiven
You are the promises never kept
You are the sparkle of ice on a mountain peak
You are the look in your eye
You are the stride in your walk
You are the delay in your action
You are the scar in your wound
You are the book of a story
You are the expression of words not spoken
You are the pain in your pleasure
You are the absence in your presence
You are the acceptance in your rejection
You are the sudden in your impulse
You are found, in what is lost
You are less with more
You are faith in trust
You are dawn of the dusk
You are the stillness in your thoughts
You are the damage for what cannot be broken
You are the force in anything you cannot do
You are the misery in your despair
You are the sounds not heard, you did not listen
You are the feelings you keep to yourself
You are the touch not given
You are the time of a moment
You are weary in your fatigue
You are the reward in punishment
You are the truth of a lie
You are the reflection of your mirror
You are the echo of your energy
You are the distance between life and death
You are the winner that gets nothing
You are the strength in your weakness
You are the always for what is seldom
You are the sight of eyes that don’t see
You are the feeling in your touch
You are the star of your darkness
You are the scream in your silence
You are the echo in your reflection
You are the gift of your talent
You are the destroyer of your dreams
You are the keeper of your nightmares
You are the wave that rides the tides of your soul
You are the energy of your discomfort
You are the goal that disrupts pleasure
You are the rigid reason for not trying
You are the dust that does not settle
You are the fragrance of your deeds
You are the air in your breath
You are the atom of your being
You are the folly of your courage
You are the hue of your horizon
You are the captor of your freedom
You are the cost of what cannot be counted
You are the question to all your answers
You are the delay in your pain
You are always in what is never
You are the glance not stolen
You are the effect of a cause
You are the breeze gusting against the shores of your mind
You are worth what you think
You are the burden of your pain
You are the action in a gesture
You are the rays of the sun
You are the end of a struggle
You are the gaze in a stare
You are the ego in your pride
You are the effort of your attempt
You are the light in your shadow
You are the delay in your action
You are the dignity in your decision
You are the calm in your stillness
You are the creator of everything
-Renu Persaud