Staying healthy is one of the steps towards a better version of ourselves. Working towards our goals is challenging but doing so in a compromised position can make things more difficult. Holistic wellness, where both the mind and body are improved, allows people to feel empowered.
This type of holistic wellness is what journalist Darriel Roy practices in her lifestyle. As the host of her show, “The Darriel Roy Show,” Darriel interviews influential people to share inspirational messages.
But for her to fulfil her role well, she has to weather stress and burnout to become the best version of herself.
Making Time For Growth
According to Darriel, she avoids stress and burnout by making time for personal development and self-care.
During her time, she reads, works out, spends time with her family, listens to uplifting podcasts or videos, meditates, and spends time in nature to relax and rejuvenate. She also takes time to pamper herself through various activities.
“Taking care of both my physical and my mind helps me to be the best version of myself! Always remember, you need to take care of both your mental and physical health properly. You’re your biggest asset!” she said.
Offering An Avenue For Growth
Launched a year and a half ago, Darriel started “The Darriel Roy Show.” Her show allowed her to fearlessly branch out and fulfil her desire of sharing positive content, especially during trying times.
Her show has been a source of that positivity. She uses her platform to share messages that help others see the silver lining by highlighting stories of people who overcame the odds and rose above the challenge.
Since it started, The Darriel Roy Show has welcomed many highly celebrated guests in show business and entrepreneurship, including Sean Paul, Shaggy, Netflix Co Founder Marc Randolph, Russell Peters, Suzanne Somers, Priyanka Chopra-Jonas, and many more.
Because of Darriel’s show, people have a source of inspiration that they can turn to when they feel discouraged or in need of a boost towards personal development.