How to live your life and step into your greatness

Have you ever wondered about the number of pathways to success or happiness you’ve already missed in your lifetime?

Of course not, you were too busy.

Or now tell me how many moments you missed, thinking about the next one ?

You don’t know ?

Ok don’t worry: I can understand.

Now the one thing I cannot understand is the fact that you allow yourself to waste your own time doing things that don’t matter to you.

Day in and day out, you dig your own grave, desperately waiting for better days to come, quietly hoping that a mystical force of nature will give you the keys to happiness, yet knowing that it is only a question of time before you will run out of gas.

However, you could carve yourself a different destiny if only you stopped waiting for others to dream for you, and actually took the time to dream your own dreams.

Nothing should stop you from chasing what you truly want and nothing should stop you from from chasing what you truly dream.

This is your life: take it into your own hands and don’t be afraid to live it at its fullest.

Once you have freed yourself from those chains, you’ll realize that dreaming becomes second nature. However, this second-nature of yours should not be a daily reminder of your current misery: your dreams should be a glimpse of your future, so don’t sit there and wonder about what could be, just make it happen.

“Your goals shall be dreams with deadlines”

In fact, just add time into it and you will immediately feel the difference. You will begin to comprehend how great your future could be right when you see that the path leading to it, however tough it may seem, is in your grasp. The only things you will need on your way there are your dreams and your determination.

Sure, we all have tiny issues in our lives whether they be bills to pay, chores to do, etc… But when you look at them from a wider perspective: they are really meaningless.

Do you know what is actually worse than all these issues you are facing today?

It’s being haunted with regret.

Most of the elderly people do not regret the things they did, but they regret the things they didn’t do or the risks they never took.

Go and take risks, your life shouldn’t be linear, you need to have ups and downs — how do you expect to live otherwise?

It is evident that today, too many people are afraid of losing their daily comfort — but is this daily comfort really a positive thing? Isn’t comfort just a synonym of settling for what we already have?

Parents are complaining about the fact that they don’t spend much time with the kids because they are overloaded with work?

Don’t miss your kids childhood. Source : QuietRev

It just means that they’ve made this ‘work’ their priority, a priority for meeting their standards. When you elevate your standards and work to accomplish your own dreams, it is only then that work can be valued as necessary to your own happiness.

It’s funny how our mind has this amazing ability to visualize and imagine things, yet when it comes to fulfilling them we forget to buckle up, and step on the gas pedal.

“The most precious thing we have in life are moments.”

Treasure each moment… Source : Unplash

You should live more, risk more, do more in order to regret less and not sleep walk through life.

Just do the things that truly matter to you… because there are millions of different ways to live YOUR life.

As Nike says : “Just Do It”

Originally published at