Following the status quo and never rocking the boat creates a life of mundane monotony and overwhelming dissatisfaction. That’s because as human beings, we need to be continuously moving, learning, and socializing in order to feel fulfilled. It’s innate to us and our happiness, which is why so many people will search for new ways to add a little zest into their lives this year.
When it comes to taking risks, many people will assume that risk needs to be a huge, dangerous move that could result in total ruin. What they don’t realize is that calculated risks, ones that are not rooted in capitulation, are very accessible and attainable online today. You don’t need to ‘bet the farm’ to get in on the risk-taking action; you just need to be willing to learn about something foreign to you.
Here are 3 reasons why taking a calculated risk, today, can pay off big time:
- You Will Obtain Something, No Matter What: Let’s say you invest a few hundred dollars online and you lose it. That experience, the loss, and the knowledge gained from losing that money is invaluable. You can now use that knowledge for the next time you try again, making you more experienced than your peer.
- You Will Develop Self-Confidence: Every time we try something scary and come out alive on the other side, we develop a self-confidence that can only be obtained through action. Reading about it is not enough.
- You Will Stumble Upon New Opportunities: It’s all a numbers game. If you take 10 calculated risks, chances are, one is going to stick. Your life is now better for that risk, and the feeling of succeeding – if even just once – is going to be addicting.
That’s why Rajin Ramdeholl, an award-winning minority mortgage loan officer, took a risk when he dove into an industry that isn’t exactly friendly to minorities. By cutting through the noise and introducing a new way to do business by putting customer service at the center of everything he does, Rajin has made quite the name for himself.
“By taking that risk, I can now help so many other people take their own calculated risk with in-depth research, support, and education into the mortgage loan process,” said Rajin. “What was once a crazy risk for people is now a calculated, guided plan that can help every person obtain the home or equity of their dreams. It all starts with the willingness to say yes.”
Rajin works with Meadowbrook Financial, an award-winning company that has been able to navigate the ups and downs of the market over the last few decades. Together, they have built a mortgage bank with all of the right departments necessary to offer faster and more direct service to their clients. Lastly, the company has rolled out a mobile app called Meadowbrook Mobile, which allows clients to apply for a mortgage from virtually anywhere. With instant access to their files, they can ensure every move they make is wisely calculated.
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