When you’re in a leadership role, it’s important to be able to take the time for one-on-one meetings. Sometimes things get so busy when you’re running a company that you don’t feel as if you have the time for such meetings. Group meetings can be helpful as well but they don’t always have the same impact as a useful one-on-one session with someone. Take a look at why one-on-one meetings are so crucial in leadership by reading the information below.
Connecting with Your Employees
Having one-on-one meetings will be a great way to actually connect with your team. You want the people who are working for you to feel as though they matter. When you spend time talking to them, it’s going to help them to feel good about their jobs. It’s a great way for you to address any personal concerns that they might have as well.
Group meetings make it more difficult to address individual concerns that employees might have. They might feel as though they need to improve in certain areas but will be wary of bringing it up in a group setting. Conversely, it can be easy for you to neglect certain employees who don’t speak up much in meetings. Individual meetings are a great way to ensure that everyone is getting the right attention.
Personal Connections
Chatting one-on-one allows you to build a personal connection with employees too. You shouldn’t hesitate to exchange friendly words with them about everyday life stuff. It can’t be all about the company all the time if you want people to feel connected to you. Show them that you value them as human beings and they’re going to be motivated to work harder while achieving their personal goals.
Schedule One-on-One Meetings as Necessary
You should schedule one-on-one meetings as necessary. Some leaders find that having a good one-on-one meeting with an employee every month makes a big difference. Others might schedule meetings more often or they might intersperse one-on-one meetings with regular casual talk. Figure out the timeline that works for you and you’ll be able to keep employees motivated to succeed.