The Dalai Lama once said, “With the realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability one can build a better world.”

In both my personal and professional life, I strive to remember that quote when the going gets tough, and both circumstances, other people, and situations conspire to undermine my confidence and fill me with the toxic neurosis of self-doubt.

Everyone needs to believe in something, and I think if you don’t believe in yourself, how can you inspire others? How can you realize your ambitions? How can you fulfill your dreams, and how can you reach your full potential?

Self-belief is the source of all positivity. If you believe in yourself and what you are doing, it’s contagious. Those around you will pick up on the vibe and seek to emulate your focused and driven mindset—because a confident person is a person who gets things done. Self-belief is almost like a superpower. It can overcome any obstacle, knock down any door, and solve any problem. It’s the rock I cling to which can weather any storm and the one game-changer which you need in your locker.

When you have faith in yourself, you’ll be surprised at your capabilities. The great news is, only you and you alone have the power and the key to unlock your true potential and transform your life. With a little self-belief, big things can happen. Here’s how:

Self-Belief and the Power of Creativity

A creative mind can become crippled with anxiety and doubt and unable to think outside of the box. When you lack confidence, everything seems like an uphill struggle. Everyday problems can loom large and appear insurmountable. Self-belief makes you relax, feel more capable, and you can see things with crystal-clear clarity. In such situations, you’re able to perceive not just one but a myriad of solutions to the problem at hand.

Self-Belief and Inspiring Others

Self-belief gives off an intoxicating aura. It both enchants and captivates others. When you believe in a person, it’s because they believe in themselves and their motivation. A confident individual is an inspiring individual who leads by example. Your self-belief can bring out the best in others and help them perform because they’ve seen first-hand the potential it unlocks.

Self-Belief and Direct Action

A person who believes in themselves doesn’t hesitate or sit on the fence when it comes to making a call and follow-through. You would be surprised how many missed opportunities happen because people spend too much time debating instead of doing. It all comes down to a lack of confidence. More importantly, in business as in life, you need to prepare for setbacks and be patient if you are to achieve your goals. Without the persistence and tenacity of self-belief and the confidence you are doing the right thing and are on the right path, long-term ambitions are all but impossible.

Self-Belief and Personal Development

If a person is to realize their true potential, they need to continue to develop and evolve. Neither is possible if you don’t believe in yourself. Self-belief allows room for you to make mistakes, tempered with the knowledge that it’s all part of a grand learning curve and not the end of the world. And here’s the thing, to build self-belief, you need to challenge yourself, and when you challenge yourself, things don’t always go as planned, but there are always lessons to learn.

Self-Belief and Success

Self-belief unlocks your true potential, and this, in turn, ushers in an enormous amount of success. The two go together. Think about it. When was the last time you saw a successful person who lacked confidence? A confident person doesn’t compare themselves to others, knows what they are capable of, are willing to learn, and is not afraid to dream big. As Vincent van Gogh says, “If you hear a voice within say, ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

In other words, believe in yourself and good things will happen.


  • I am professional blogger/writer, and have been writing as a freelance writer for various websites. Now I have joined one of the most recognized platforms in the world.