What is Self Care?

Self-care may vary from person to person. Some may think having a me-time is self-care. Some consider seeking professional help in self-care. Some think that having a healthy lifestyle is self-care. But it’s all a part of self-care in one way or the other. The good thing is people have actually started talking about it and its importance. According to google trends, people searching for self-care has increased the double times in 2015 as it was before.

Why Self Care Is Important?

In this busy life, we are sometimes so consumed with our work and family that we forgot to take care of ourselves. The result is we become physically and mentally exhausted. That is why we should keep a check on our emotional well-being and take out time for ourselves. It not only improves our mental health but also helps us to cope with the stress that this hue and cry has brought to us.

How to Practice Self Care?

Self-care does not require fancy things. It can be as little as a morning walk or giving away some charity. You can consider the following points to practice self-care

Start a journal

The best thing you can start is by writing a journal daily. Write about how your day went. What you felt today. Or what you like about yourself. These little tips and tricks will do catharsis for you and you will eventually feel better.

Go for Walk

Exercise plays an important part in keeping your sanity. You can go for walk if you find it difficult to do exercise. Start day by day and gradually extend the time and feel the major difference it brings to your life.

Watch movies

If you are someone who loves entertainment and movies then you should definitely take your time out to watch one. It will lift your mood and calm you down.

Skin Care

Take some time out for skincare. Go out for manicure and pedicure. Or you can do it at your home. It will boost your energy and you will just feel better by looking at yourself.

Go out for dinner with family and friends

Family and friends hold central part in everyone’s life. But with monotonous routine you may be lacking quality time with your family. So plan out a dinner with your family or go out for lunch with your friends.

Do some shopping

Plan out your time and go shopping. Maybe it’s while you have not gone out shopping. Bring back classic fashion style you own once and now you have lost it due to busy life. Buy some nice clothes or shoes. Or whatever you like.

Getting good sleep

An important aspect of self-care is a healthy lifestyle. It includes both healthy eating, exercising, and good sleep. When you have good sleep you are better able to perform your tasks efficiently and effectively. Moreover, it makes you active and makes you motivated.

How Self Care Benefits You?


When you start taking care of yourself you become self-aware. You know what you are going through. You become self-aware. You can then seek professional help if you want.

Brings emotional stability

When you practice self-care you pamper yourself. All the stress that you have been coping with goes away. You feel light and harmony with yourself. Hence it brings emotional stability.

Brings you closer to God

When you are trying to be at peace with yourself you are constantly asking for help from god. You realize the power of God. Self-care brings you closer to God and strengthens the faith in god.

Connect with yourself

Taking time out for yourself brings all the memories that you can cherish. It brings you time to reflect upon yourself. It makes you question the purpose of life, what we are supposed to do here. You start to ponder the real things in life. Self-care is great for mental health in a way that allows one to cut off the toxicity in life.

Improves physical health

When you practice self-care you are taking care of your body. Whether it’s about taking time for exercise or brushing teeth it has a great impact on your physical health.

The Verdict

Self-care is the greatest gift one can give to him/herself. It is not something to consider selfishness. But in fact, this is the time when you are being selfless about yourself. So start investing in yourself. When you are happy and content only then you can take good care of others too. So embark yourself on the journey of self-care and see what it brings to your being.
