As adults see growing anxiety in their teens, it’s hard to go unnoticed by a common thread that hasn’t been addressed by previous generations. Almost every teen has a smartphone in their hands, with social media notifications beeping and beeping.

Parents often just want to take a teen cell phone and pack it in a drawer. But is the ubiquity of social media and digital interactions really the cause of all this worry?

Simply put, it is complicated.

Recent studies have shown a significant increase in depression and suicidal ideation among adolescents, especially those who use screens for several hours a day, especially girls. However, the pressure teens feel from social media is actually in line with their normal developmental concerns about social status and self-expression. Social media can certainly raise these concerns, but parents need to avoid outright criticism to really help their kids deal with it. Instead, parents need to adjust their attitude towards the individual and know where a particular child’s stress lies and how they can handle this engaging and powerful way of connecting with their peers.

The pressure most teens feel from social media is, in fact, in line with their normal developmental concerns about social status and self-expression.

The link between social media and mental health concerns

Many experts describe teen insomnia, loneliness, anxiety and growing addiction. This increase is in line with the release of the first iPhone 10 years ago. According to According to, 48% of teens who spend 5 hours a day on electronics have at least one suicide risk factor, while 33% of teens spend 2 hours a day on electronics. I am. I’ve heard tales of teenagers crying in comparison to the constant communication invited by social media.

Lindsey Giller, a clinical psychologist at the ChildMind Institute, which specializes in mood disorders in teens and young adults, said through “likes” and “follows” that teens are “the number of people they love and what they tell us about us.” Getting real data in Appearance.” “And you’re not far from technology.” She attributed the continued use of social media to anxiety, low self-esteem, anxiety and sadness in adolescents, at least partly. I have seen you do this.

Teen Challenges and Stress Worse

However, the relationship between anxiety and social media may not be simple or purely negative. Correlation is not the same as causation. For example, depression and anxiety can lead to overuse of social media, and not vice versa. It is also possible that a third unknown variable (such as academic pressure or financial concerns) may add to them. Alternatively, teens are more likely to recognize mental health concerns than previous generations.

It’s also important to remember that teens experience social media in different ways. The ability to raise awareness, connect with people around the world, and share moments of beauty can be empowering and uplifting for some. At the same time, many teens understand that the pictures they display are not real indicators, but carefully selected snapshots, and those posts are unlikely to make them feel uncomfortable about their lives. ..
